Take life with a Pinch of Salt

“Let yourself be open and life will be easier. A spoon of salt in a glass of water makes the water undrinkable. A spoon of salt in a lake is almost unnoticed.”-Buddha.

Leave your ego at the front door when you go into workplace or when you meet somebody. Just be open don't built a closed space around you, so that you become the undrinkable water in a closed glass. Just take life with a pinch of salt, its not necessary for us to agree with each and everything others say, learn to say NO at the correct moments, else life wouldn't be easy living. A pinch of salt makes all the difference, if added in excess or if its too little, surely does makes a lot of change to the dish. The same applies to our life, don't get too involved with other people's life neither do not ignore your own life too much, maitain a balance in every outlook.Not more, not less, always remember the common salt perspective towards your life. With a right outlook, right attitude and postiveness, absorb all goodness of life into you and that makes you a better person similar to a tasty dish, where the right amount of salt is absorbed by all the ingredients giving out a great dish.

The power of salt is told remarkably in this folk tale:

Well, there was once a very rich gentleman, and he had three daughters, and he thought he'd see how fond they were of him. So he says to the first, "How much do you love me. my dear ?"
"Why," says she, ''as I love my life."
"That's good," says he.
So he says to the second, "How much do you love me, my dear ?"
"Why," says she, "better nor all the world."
"That's good," says he.
So he says to the third, "How much do you love me, my dear ?"
"Why, I love you as any dish that requires salt in it."
Well, but he was angry. "You don't love me at all," says he and remained angry with her.
So one day, the youngest daughter prepared dinner but without salt in any dish, when the father began to eat the food, it was so tasteless that he couldn't eat it. He tried first one dish and then another, but all were tasteless, and then he burst out crying. "What is the matter?" asked the daughter to the father.
I asked you how much you loved me. And you said, as much as any dish that requires salt in it.' And I was angry with you, for I thought you didn't love me. And now I see who loves me best of all.

Now, thats the power of salt, without it, any garnish or flavour you add, still it wouldn't taste good, thats why Homer many centuries back, called it 'Divine'.

Salt - A must for food to taste good, In modern times salt is so common that restaurants give way for free. Salt if added too much to the food or too little in the food makes a lot of difference to the food, making it tasteless. For centuries both cooks and physicians have realized that salt is not only an essential component to good health but makes food more palatable, bringing out the essential flavor of a dish like no other item on earth.

Salt has become an inexpensive and readily available commodity that most of us take for granted. But in older times salt was heavily taxed and wars were fought over it, it was as important as gold. Did you know, Salary derives from the Latin word salarium, a payment made in salt? In ancient times the barter system was prevalent .Salt was the oldest preservative, which was very rare in those times. It was so rare that it was used as pay in olden times. A few spoons of salt for a days work. The Roman word salarium linked employment, salt and soldiers and in Roman times, wages were often paid in salt. It also gave rise to certain expressions like "being worth one's salt." In ancient Greece, slaves were traded for salt- hence the expression 'not worth his salt'.

Our very lives depend on it, yet we call it common salt.

Salt helps maintain the normal volume of blood in the body and also helps keep the correct balance of water in and around the cells and tissues. It is also necessary for the formation and proper function of nerve fibers, which carry impulses to and from the brain, and plays an important part in the digestion of food and is essential in making the heart beat correctly. Even the simplest processes in our body need salt or its inherent elements in ionized form. The simple act of drinking a glass of water requires millions of instruction that come as impulses. In the beginning there is the thought. This thought is nothing but an electro magnetic frequency. The salt is responsible for enabling this frequency to transmit commands to the muscles and organs.

Life is not possible without salt. But our consumption of salt is killing us. Why is that? Because our regular table salt no longer has anything in common with the original crystal salt. Salt nowadays is mainly sodium chloride and not salt. Natural crystal salt consists not only of two, but also of all natural elements. These are identical to the elements of which our bodies have been built and originally found existing in the “primal ocean” from where all life originated. Interesting enough, our blood is a sole, containing the same salty solution as that of the primal sea, that is, a fluid consisting of water and salt. It also has the same ratio of concentration as existed in the days when life left the primal sea. This sole flows through more than 56,000 miles of waterways and blood vessels throughout our organism with the forces of gravity and levity and regulates and balances the functions of our body.

Tears are salty and so is blood. Salt bathes a body’s tissues. A solution of salt water substituted for blood lost will keep a human or animal alive for hours.

The late French scientist Dr. Alexis Carrel kept a chicken heart alive for over 37 years by having the pulsating heart in a solution of sea salt. Dr. Carrel voluntarily ended the experiment after a third of a century, having proven that living cells can have physical immortality. Amazing, eh?

The saltiest seas are in the Middle East where the hot sun beats down evaporating the water and making it saltier and saltier. The Red Sea is so salty you cannot sink- the salt keeps you floating!

Harsh salt laws were one of the chief causes of the bloody French Revolution.

Mahatma Gandhi’s 'Salt March' brought about the freedom of India from British Colonial rule and the salt tax.

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