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  1. nise to see various fish names and pic.
    I am not able to save that page. If so it will be more useful so that i can refer before going to fish market. Pl tell me how to copy that page
    Dr sivsasabapathi

  2. You can download from the below given link

  3. An excellent site to clear all your doubts about different types of fish.
    The pictures and the names were really helpful.thanks a lot

  4. Nice to see ...very informative.

  5. Fantastic effort. Great for people me who are at doldrums when it comes to identifying fish

  6. Hi Man,

    Really good work, congrats.

    I will open my WEB site on sports fishing soon and would like to use your "confused about fish name" document if you allow me to do so. Of course I will refer to your site as well. Please let me know. I can add Turkish names into your file if you want :)

  7. @ Hakan Demiralp,

    sure, you can use the document, just acknowledge this site there :)
    Thanks for visiting.

  8. Hi,

    First of all, I wanted to let you know that I liked this site, lots of information about the fishes, excellent work and great research, congrats. I am a hobbyist mobile/website application developer. I have an intention to develop a free/non-commercial mobile app/website about common fishes and I thought that your contents are worthy of inclusion in my project.

    I am seeking your permission to use your contents in my app. If you do agree to grant permission, I will credit you for your work in the resulting app, by stating it was based on your work and is used with your permission, and by providing a link back to your website. If you do not solely control copyright in the requested materials, I would appreciate any information you can provide about others to whom I should write, including most recent contact information, if available.

    Thank you for your time; I look forward to your reply.

  9. Dear Jayesh,

    Thanks for appreciating the site. You can use the information provided in the fish glossary for you mobile app. I myself collected all this fish names from the www. It would be good if you referred the fish glossary page or this site name in the application. That would be helpful.I dont own any coyright for these fish name, they are regional/local names used commonly by people. The work i had solely done was to collect pictures and categorize it,which itself took me more than 1 month.
    But it surely did help many many people.

    You can check out the end of the fish glossary page for sites I mostly referred.

    Best wishes for your work.


  10. Dear Sunshine,

    Thank you very much for granting me the permission. I will definitely refer the fish glossary page and also credit you for your hard work you have done, which facilitated thousands of people. Thank you once again.


  11. Hello..
    This is an excellent place to know the names of Fish in Tamil etc...excellent place in Net...I admire the creator
    with best regards

  12. AnonymousMay 25, 2015

    Wonderful site will come in handy.
    Since you are so into food' pl explore the and the bangala table.
    Would be very happy to have you as our guest one day.

  13. Excellent effort. All fishiterians owe you thanks.


  14. Hi ,Sunshine,
    Any chance that you have contact/information I can buy Indian seafood for export that you might have ?




  15. Hi Sunshine,
    Do you have any contact/information of sellers in India exporting seafood from India?


  16. Hi guys!
    its a great website sharing good knowledge about fish.
    wanted to give small info:
    the fish Murrel(snake head) also called as Koramenu(pronounced as Kora-may-nu).
    requesting to add this name also.

    Thank you.

  17. the fish Murrel(snake head) also called as Koramenu(pronounced as Kora-may-nu)in Telugu.

  18. Thank You very much for the awesome list with pics of fish with names in the south Indian languages!!! It is a very extensive list and very well presented. It is so useful for people who want to experiment with different types of fish in their cooking but may get cheated at the fish store if they didn't know what they are looking for. Most of us grew up hearing these name at the dining table but never went to the fish market so we also never knew how the fish looked before it reached the table. As an adult homemaker now its quite confusing when one goes to the fish store and we aren't sure what to ask for even!! So now having these pics with the names is an invaluable help!! Thanks a lot for the painstaking effort which is going to benefit so many people!!

  19. Great portal. Thank you. Your love of fish is amazing. Thank you. One minor correction. Spanish mackeral is not arakka or neymeen - It is King Mackeral. Spanish mackeral is rare on Indian coast. I am a connoseuir of both and Spanish mackeral has lesser fat, lot more white flesh whereas king mackeral has more brown flesh.

  20. Hi sir can you further help us plz specify some fish with less bones coz its become difficult to feed kids.
    Like big bone in middle n less bones on the sides.
    Thanks and regards

  21. Penelope Angela MohanNovember 15, 2018

    Hello, can you tell me English or Malayalam or other names for the fish called "VELURI", the white ones longer and broader than anchovies. Thank you, Penny, kochi, kerala.

  22. @ Penelope

    White Sardine (വേളൂരി)
    The White sardine (Escualosa thoracata), also known as Veloori in Malayalam, Choodha in Tamil and Swadi/Balanjil in Kannada is a tropicalfish that can be found in Indo-West Pacific oceans from northern Indian Ocean to Thailand, Indonesia towards more east of Philippines, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. It is having a deeper body and much broad silver band. Commercially important fish, where it is used both as fresh and dried forms.

  23. Hi Sir, Can I have a liberty to share few fish types and freshness information in my Fishmart site. Please let me know the procedure. Thank you. Sincerely

  24. Yes, you can. Thanks for requesting. But please do give a reference link to this site as favour. Thanks

  25. Sure mam. Thank you. can you grant me perssmion for the you tube link for how to find fresh fish mam?. Sincerely, jude 9840146111, Chnenai

  26. @ Arul Jude - You can either embed the code provided by youtube in the share button (better option) or you can copy the video link. Please no downloading.

    Link for the video:

    Thanks for viewing my blog and video. Once you have added , kindly forward me the webpage. I would love to see my works shared. Thank you :)

  27. Sure mam. Thank you. Can you email me the fish names and the details possible. Thank you!

  28. Silk meen nte malayalam entha n ariyamo??

    1. Silk snapper - commonly called Chemballi its similar to red snapper only difference is yellow eyes.
