Benefits of Miracle Olive and Other Oil - Elixir of life

How does olive oil benefit your health and well being- the miracle oil -  the Elixir of life

Poets have sung and doctors have raved about it. Chefs cannot do without it. In Indian cooking we haven't used it. It fights cancer and prevent heart diseases, increase the life expectancy. An amazing natural ingredient that contains numerous benefits for the skin. The ingredient is known as the miracle OLIVE OIL to the world.Make olive oil part of your daily cooking to bring wellness to your family's health.

  • Olive Pomace Oil can be used for Indian cuisine and frying.
  • 100% pure Olive oil for Italian and western cuisine. Its good for Body massage.
  • Extra Virgin Olive are used for Salad dressing and dips

Olive oil possesses several natural ingredients like Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Phenols, Squalene, Vitamin A which make it an ideal ingredient to apply to the skin.vitamin K to be effective in reducing the dark under eye circles.Vitamin E has been proven to possess the ability to penetrate skin layers reducing skin aging. Good in healing process.Phenols repair damage to cell membranes caused by exposure like pollution.Vitamin A helps the skin stay soft, smooth and firm, increasing the elasticity, and having numerous anti-aging benefits.


Baking: Use a variety of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and margarines made from canola, olive, sunflower, soyabean and peanut.

Spreading on bread:
Use a polyunsaturated or monounsaturated margarine spread.

Deep-frying: Cardiologist don't recommend it

Salad dressing: Use Olive,sunflower, canola, peanut, sesame or grapeseed oils

Shallow/pan/Stir-frying: A variety of oils listed above are suitable. Rice barn oil is called as Indian Olive oil. its a healthy oil with no transfat

Benefits of Olive oil

Try to avoid or minimize using oil high in saturated or trans fats including Palm oil, tallow, lard, coconut oil, butter, ghee, vanaspati. For a good health stick to grill and baking or steamed food rather than deep fried foods.



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