Seydadiyat Samak

A very popular dish in Indonesia and Malaysia.The rice and fish are cooked separately and arranged in layers. Although spiced up with condiments and lemon juice, the fish flavour dominates this dish.


4 hammour fillets or seer fish fillet
50ml olive oil
250 ml fish stock
5 gms black pepper
5 gms cumin powder
5 gms cinnamon powder
salt to taste
250gms rice
250gms onion sliced and pan fried
50 gms roasted pine nuts
5ml lemon juice
10gms butter
10gms flour


  1. Heat oil in a deep frying pan and pan-fry fish fillet on both sides.
  2. Pour fish stock over and sprinkle all the spices.
  3. Add onion and simmer until fish is cooked
  4. Remove the fish from the pan and keep it aside
  5. Strain and reserve the juice from the pan
  6. In a separate pan,melt butter and roast flour over low heat till slightly brown
  7. Add 100 ml of the reserved cooking juice to make a brown roux
  8. Boil rice and remaining cooking juice together till the rice is done
  9. If required, add water to cook the rice
  10. Add lemon juice and adjust seasoning
  11. Serve fish on the rice.
  12. Garnish with nuts and serve hot.



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