The 3C's to safer fish

Most fish are a healthy food choice, but some have harmful chemicals in them. So what can happen if we eat a lot of fish with chemicals in them? Not everyone gets sick from eating these chemicals and they won’t make you sick right away. Some possible health problems if too much of these chemicals are eaten are:

  • brain development can be harmed in fetuses and children,
  • fertility can be harmed,
  • harm to the immune system,
  • cancer, and diabetes.

The 3cs to eat safer fish -Choose clean cook
Lower the risk of harming your health from eating too many chemicals by following the 3Cs — Choose, Clean, Cook
  1. Choose fish that have fewer chemicals in their body.
  2. Clean away the fat, skin, and organs. PCBs and dioxins are mainly in the fat and organs. Mercury and PFOS are in the meat and can't be cleaned away.
    1. Cut away the fatty area along the side
    2. cut away the fat along the back
    3. cut away the belly fat
  3. Cook fish on a grill or broil it in the oven so fat can drip away. Don’t re-use oil used for frying fish.
Fish are good to eat, but it is especially important that people in these groups eat safe fish.
  • children under the age of 15,
  • people with serious health problems such as heart, thyroid, or immune system issues, and
  • people planning on having children within several years.

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