Different Types of Tuna - Know the difference

Anatomy of Bullet Tuna - Pectoral, dorsal, pelvic and anal fins

Scientific Name : Thunnus alalunga

The Albacore has pectoral fins remarkably long for any Tuna. Most tuna sold in USA are albacore. Also commonly known as Longfin tunny, Longfin Albacore or CHICKEN OF THE SEA for its white meat. The common length of the Albacore is 100 cm

Common names around the world :

Arabic : Gubad, Jaydher, Shak, Toun abyadh, Thon, Tunna

Philippines : Tulingan, Iliwon, Kiyawon, Tun, Bulis, Karaw

France : Tonnu biancu, Germon

Denmark : Hvid tun,Langfinnet Tun

Italy : Aa-lunga, Alalonga

Spain : Albacora, Atun

Japan : Binnaga, Binchô

Malaysia :Aya, Kayu, Tonggol, Tuna albakor

China : Chang chi we, 长鳍金枪鱼, 長鰭鮪, 长鳍鲔, 長鰭金槍魚

Brazil: Atum, Bandolim, Carorocata, Albacora branca, Albacora cachorra, Albacora legítima

Vietnam : Cá ngir vây dài

Blackfin tuna
Scientific Name : Thunnus atlanticus

Blackfin tuna has a oval shaped body with black back. They have long pectoral fin. The second dorsal and anal fin are not elongated. The small finlets is distinctly dusky for a Blackfin tuna although they may have a yellow tinge. The common length of the Albacore is 72 cm. Also known as Deep-bodied tunny in the USA

Common names around the world :

Portugal : Atum-barbatana-negra

France : Bonite noire, Giromon, Ton noir

Denmark : Sortfinnet tun

Sweden : Svart tonfisk

Spain : Atún aleta negra

Japan : Mini maguro, Monte maguro, Taiseiyo maguro

Russia : Chernij tunets , тунец черноперый

China : 黑鰭金槍魚, 黑鳍金枪鱼

Brazil: Albacora-cachorro, Albacorinha, Binta, Atum-negro

Bluefin Tuna (Atlantic)
Scientific Name : Thunnus thynnus

Bluefin tuna the second dorsal fin is higher than the first and belly is silver white with colourless transverse line alternating with rows of colourless dots. The first dorsal fin is yellow or bluish, the anal fins are dusky yellow, edge with black

Common names around the world :

Portugal : Atum-yellowtail, Mochama

France : Thon rouge du nord, Thon rouge de l'Atlantique

Denmark : Almindelig Tun, Blåfinnet tunfisk, Atlantisk tun

Sweden : Makrillstörje, Röd tonfisk

Spain : Red tuna

Japan : Kuromaguro

Russia : Krasnyj tunets, Sinij tunets

China : Ca chan, Thu, 大西洋 蓝 鳍 金枪鱼, 金枪鱼, 鮪

Brazil: Albacore-blue, Albacore-maguru, Atum-blue

Arabic: Tunna, ,Toun ahmar , تونة حمراء أطلسيَّة

Germany: Atlantischer Thunfisch, Roter thun

Italy: Barilaro, Tonno rosso, Franzillottu

Greece: Tonnos, Makroftero tones

Bullet Tuna
Scientific Name : Auxis rochei

Bullet tuna is small and slender. It has a maximum length of 50cm. These tuna are blue black on the back with zig zag dark pattern on upper body and silver below. The fins are dark grey. Also known as Corseletted frigate mackerel, Kawakawa, Bullet mackerel, Blow goat and Mackerel tuna in some places

Common names around the world :

Philippines : Thuringan, Bodboran, Lubak-lubak, Pirit, Aloy, Vahuyo

France : Auxide, Bonitou, Thonine orientale

Malaysia : Governess, Aya peluru, Baculan, Kayu, Semambu, Tongkol

Portugal : Judeu

Spain : Oriental little tunny, Melva ,Melvera

Denmark: Fregatmakrel

Japan : Dainanpo, Kubarai, Magatsuwo,Manba

Norway : Help

China : 双 鳍 舵 鲣, 圆 花 鲣, 煙 仔 魚

Brazil: Atum, Beautiful, Pretty-puppy, Cavala

Arabic: Bonitou, Cavalla, Melva ,Stroum ,ﻱﺘﻴﺴﺗﺎﻣ

Germany: Fregattenmakrele, Pretty Unechter

Italy: Biso, Tombarello

Greece: Koponi-Kopanaki, Βαρελάκι

Indonesia: Aya selaseh, Bakulan

India: Urulan-choorai, Eli-choorai, Kutteli-choorai

Frigate Tuna
Scientific Name : Auxis thazard

It has a robust body, elongated and rounded. Color of black bluish turning to deep purple or almost black on the head. A pattern of 15 or more narrow oblique to horizontal dark wavy lines and has a white belly. Some common names are Leadenall, Fregat makreel, Bonito, Bullet mackerel

Common names around the world :

Philippines : Thuringan, Buroboto, Ehalason, Perit, Aloy

France : Melva, Pesciu cavallu, Bonit queue raide

Malaysia : Bonito, Aya kurik, Aya selasih, Bakulan

Denmark: Auxide

Spain : Melva

Japan : Hirasôda, Soda-gatsuo

Mexico: Barrilete negro

China : 圆舵鲣, 扁花鰹

Brazil: Judeu, Serra

Arabic: Deraiga, Tabban, Sadah

Germany: Fregattenmakrele, Unechter Bonito

Italy: Mpisu, Bisu, Culariau, Motolo, Sangusu, Tambarela

Greece: Kopani-Kopanaki,

Indonesia: Alalalum

India: Gedar, Ayila soora, Bugudi, Kutteli-churai

Longtail tuna
Scientific Name : Thunnus tonggol

The second dorsal fin is higher than thhe first dorsal fin and belly is silvery white with colourlesselongated oval spots arranged in horizontally oriented rows. The caudal fin is blackish with streaks of yellow green. The Lontail tuna is more slender and has shorter pectoral fins compared to the southern Bluefin tuna and Pacific Bluefin Tuna which are true 'Bluefins'. Some common names are northen bluefin tuna, Tonggol tun, Indian long tailed tuna, Australia tun

Common names around the world :

Australia: Bluefin tuna, Northen bluefin

Philippines : Tambakol, Bangkulis, Barilis, Panit, Biyad, Tulingan,Sobad

France : Thon mignon

Malaysia : Abu-Abu, Aya hitam, Bakulan, Kayu, Mambu botol, Semambu, Tongkol

Denmark: Tonggol-tun

Spain : Atun tongol

Japan : Koshinaga

China : 小黄鳍鲔, 青干金槍魚

Russia: Dlinnokhvostyj tunets

Arabic: Gebab, Sahwa

Portugal: Atun-tongol, Atum-do-índico

Italy: Tonno indiano

Sweden: Tonggol

Indonesia: Abu-Abu, Awu Awu

India: Karachoora,Kethal,Gethal, Khavalya-gedar

Little Tunny

Yellowfin tuna

Skipjack tuna

Bigeye tuna

Dogtooth tuna

Reference :


  1. Very Nice spread. will try this recipe soon and till today I am buying from the famous non veg pickles online store for my kids. will try to make this recipe today following your post. Thank you.

  2. Mouthwatering Fabulous Recipe. I love Andhra Style avakaya/ mango pickle. The making process shown here looks very clear. I feel like it will be helpful and useful to the people who stay far away from homes and pickle lovers. I will be giving a try this weekend. Thanks a lot.!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a delicious recipe which captivates the taste buds of kids and elders in a family too! I am thankful to you for such a fantastic mild spice chicken pickle. I am sure to try it as it would come for my rescue whenever we run short of any side dish at home. Even guests would love the idea of being served a non-veg pickle! Great job!

  5. Delicious recipe, You can also try cut mango pickle
