Red Snapper fillet with wine sauce

A perfect dish of grilled Red snapper fillets with classic white wine sauce. The combination of wine and fish makes this dish simple and delicious.


Snapper (fillet)200 gm
Salt – To taste
Pepper – To taste
Shallots diced thinly – 2
Fresh thyme - 1 tbsp
Lime Juice – 1 lemon
butter - 25 g
white Wine – 300 ml
fresh double cream - 250ml
Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp (preferable)
BeetRoot – 100gm (optional)
Cabbage – 100gml
Oil (preferably olive)


  1. Marinate the fillet with salt, pepper, oil and little lemon juice
  2. Keep aside for few minutes
  3. Grill the fillet till golden brown for 5-7 mins
  4. Melt butter in a heavy base pan
  5. Gently fry the diced shallots and thyme until its soft but not colored
  6. Add wine and bring to boil rapidly until liquid is reduced by half
  7. Add cream and mustard and warm thoroughly
  8. Squeeze some lemon juice and freshly ground black pepper
  9. Pour the sauce in a jar
  10. Place the grilled fish fillet and garnish with beetroot and cabbage
  11. Pour over some sauce
  12. Serve hot

Note : You can try different combination of herbs to make the classic sauce interesting.
Try experimenting. How about Red wine and chocolate sauce :)


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