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Chicken Curry Andhra Style


1 chicken
2 1/2 tbsp ginger paste
2 1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1 1/2 tbsp green chilli paste
1 1/2 tbsp lime juice
100 gms refined flour
2 tbsp corn flour
1/4 tsp cooking soada
1 tbsp red chilli powder
1 tbsp pepper powder
1 tspmustard seeds
3 tbsp curry l eaves
salt to taste
oil for deep frying
pinch of tandoori colour


Clean and cut chicken into medium sized pieces
Marinate it in ginger garlic paste, soda, chilli powder, lime juice, pepper powder, green chilli paste and salt

for 30 minutes.
Cook chicken for 10 minutes till tender and completely dry
Make thick batter out of flour,corn flour,tandoori color, salt and water approx 1/2 cup.
Dip chcicken pieces in the batter and deep fry till light brown.
Drain off well and keep aside.
Heat 1 tbsp oil fry mustard seeds and curry leaves
Add fried chciken pieces to it.
Mix well.Add 1 tbsp water stir for a minute and serve hot.

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Shahi Chicken


4 tbsp; raisins and nut
2 tbsp garam masala
1 lime
1 tbsp. oil
pinch of chilli powder
boiled potatoes
and egg to decorate


Stuff the chicken with raisins and nuts mixed with garam masala
squeeze the juice from the lime and mix it with oil, chilli powder and salt
Pour over the chicken and leave aside to marinate for an hour
Stitch the chicken and cook it in pre-heated oven 190 degree C for 1/2 hour or cook in a heavy bottomed pan
with little oil, sprinkling water.
Serve the chicken with butter
Decorate with potatoes and eggs.

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Tandoori Chicken


Chicken skinned and cut into 4 pieces,
juice of 2 lemons,4 tsp.
2 garlic cloves sliced
1 large onion sliced
1 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp red food colouring
1/2 tsp chilli powder
2 tsp fresh grated ginger
1 cup curd


lettuce leaves
1-2 tomatoes finely sliced
1/2 onion into rings
a few wedges of lemon


Make 3 deep cuts in each piece of the chicken
Rub the piece with lemon juice and salt
blend the remaining ingredients to paste
smear the masala well on each piece
Put the chicken in a baking dish lined with foil
roast in a moderate oven(180 degree C) for an hour
and roast for a further 15-20 minutes until the chicken piece are well browned.
Garnish and serve.

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Chicken Corn Soup

Ingredients :

Sweet Corn - 1 tin
Chicken Stock - 3 cups
Corn Flour - 1tbs
Salt - to taste
Ajinomoto - a pinch
Egg - 1
Milk - 1/4cup
Chicken pieces sliced into thin pieces - 1/2cup

Method :

Put the sweet corn in a dish and add the chicken stock into it. Mix the corn flour with 1/4cup of water. Keep the chicken stock in the fire and when it begins to boil, add the corn flour into it. Boil it for 10 minutes.

Add the sliced chicken pieces and salt into the chicken stock. Also add the milk into it. Beat the egg and add it slowly to the boiling soup. Stir the soup continuously while adding the egg. Remove from fire and add ajinomoto.

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Sprouts Salad


1½ cups bean sprouts (washed and drained)
1½ cups cucumber, peeled and cut into thin strips
½ cup spring onions, diced
For the garnish
3 tablespoons roasted peanuts
To be mixed into a dressing
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon castor sugar
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon mustard powder
salt and pepper to taste

For the dressing
1. Shake the ingredients thoroughly in a closed bottle.
2. Chill and use as required.

How to proceed

  •  Combine the bean sprouts, cucumber and spring onions in a bowl and chill.
  •  Just before serving, add the dressing as required and toss.
  •  Serve immediately, garnished with roasted peanuts.

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Minced Beef Masala

1 Kg Beef
2 tbsp oil to heat
2 medium onion, thinly slice
1 Tomato, sliced
2 Green chillies slitted long
Salt to taste
1 tsp Ginger
1 tsp garlic
1 sprig of curry leaves
1 1/2 tsp pepper powder

Boil beef/meat. Drain the water and Mince the meat in a mixer.
In a kadai, heat oil. Add garlic, Ginger and stir fry till the smell leaves
Add the sliced onion, chilli and curry leaves and stir fry till golden brown
Add tomato and let it cook. Add pepper to this
(optional: You can add 1 tsp of meat masala/garam masala for a different taste)
Mix the minced beef till the masal spreads evenly.
Cook the meat till gravy evaporates if you want it to be dry, else just stir fry for 5-10 mins if you want a little gravy.
Serve with rice, roti or Naan
You can make a similar dish by substituting beef with chicken, mutton or tuna

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