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Seer Fish Soup

Seer fish is a delicacy in south India. Its called Naimeen / നെയ്മീൻ in malayalam and Vanjaram in Tamil Nadu. Also refered as Spanish Mackerels/King Mackerels and are very good source of Omega 3 fatty acids which help keep arteries open and allow blood to flow smoothly. Also omega3 has anti inflammatory effects which helps sinus, osteoporosis, arthritis and other conditions.
 Spanish Mackerels, King Mackerels, Vanjaram Soup - Healthy and delicious

Choose fatty fish with dark flesh or muscle. The depth of their colour represent the oil amount present. Lean fish are pale and their liver contains the fat unlike the muscle where fat is present in fatty fish. Salmon, tuna, mackerel, seer, back pomfret, hilsa, katla are some fatty fish.Shell fishes are very rich in omega despite cholestrol content.Select fresh fishes instead of canned ones and choose low fat cooking method instead of deep frying. Grilling, steamin,poaching and baking are preferable methods.Having fish directly benefits more, instead of supplements for fish oil.

So lets prepare a healthy seer fish soup after knowing all the benefits of omega 3


  • 100g Seer fish
  • Tomato 2 small
  • Green Chilli 2 medium sized
  • Curry leaves a sprig
  • Coconut oil 2 tsp
  • Fennel 10g/ 1/4 tsp
  • Pepper corns 10-15
  • Garlic crushed 2-3 medium pods
  • coriander leaves 15g
  • Ginger crushed 10g
  • lemon 2
  • Fish Bones 50g
  • Shallot 4-5 or 30g onion


Make fish stock with the fish bones, crushed ginger and fennel,pepper corns and strain it.
Cut fish into very very small cubes
Heat oil in sauce pan and add crushed garlic, onion, green chillies, tomatoes and curry leaves and and saute it.
After 5 minutes add the fish cubes
Add the fish stock to this
Let it boil for about 15 minutes.
(if you prefer you can grind this in the mixer )
Season with coriander leaves, salt and pepper .
Add lemon juice to this
Serve it hot

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How to tell them apart Flatfishes - Halibut, Turbot, Flounder and sole

Halibut are the largest of the flatfish from the family of the right-eye flatfish ( to know which eye side - hold a Halibut , jaw pointing up ). Usually a chocolate to olive or slaty brown color. The underside is pure white but can be blotched, clouded or grey. Halibut are diamond shaped and grow significantly bigger. They have pointed slightly forked tail.

Indian Turbot - Click for a bigger view Turbot is a left-eyed flatfish and circular bodied, usually a sandy brown to grey colour. The underside is creamy-white. They are the tastiest and most expensive among flatfish

Flounder (Fluke) are shorter than halibuts and have a long body and wide dorsal fins which give them a diamond shape with rounded tails

Brill are a very large, broad bodied, left-eyed flatfish.

Plaice is a name given to four different species of right-eye Flounder and the easiest way to identify them are the signature orange spots. Commonly known as Rough Dab in Europe . Plaice have a bony ridge on their heads, Flounder don’t

Sole has a long body and small head.

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