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Truth Behind Popular Seafood Myths - Common misconceptions Exposed and Explained

Debunking Common Seafood Myths: Facts vs. Fiction

Not everything you hear about fish consumption is true. There's a lot of misinformation out there. In this post, we bust 25 myths about seafood, both big and small, to help you put them to rest once and for all. Don’t let these myths fool you into missing out on some of the most delicious, affordable, and nutritious foods available.

Seafood Allergies(fish, crustaceans and shellfish)

Myth: Fresh Seafood is Better than Frozen

The Reality of Frozen Seafood Quality
When high-quality, local seafood isn't available, frozen seafood is an excellent alternative. In fact, frozen seafood often provides more options and extended shelf life. Studies have consistently shown that most people can't distinguish between high-quality fresh and high-quality frozen seafood when prepared similarly. This is because fish is frozen immediately after being caught, preserving it at its freshest point.

Advanced Freezing Technology

Today’s advanced freezing technology ensures the best taste, texture, and nutritional value are retained, making frozen fish just as enjoyable when thawed. The many nutrients in seafood, including heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids, remain intact in frozen fish, offering the same benefits as fresh varieties.

Frozen Seafood and Food Safety

For certain types of seafood, such as those intended for raw consumption in sushi, freezing is a legal requirement. This process effectively eliminates harmful parasites, ensuring safety and quality in every bite.

By choosing high-quality frozen seafood, you can enjoy delicious, nutritious meals with convenience and peace of mind.

Myth: You Shouldn’t Mix Seafood and Dairy

Contrary to popular belief, there is no scientific evidence that consuming fish and dairy together causes vitiligo or any other health conditions. However, if you're allergic to fish or intolerant to dairy, it's best to avoid this combination.

Cultural Practices and Culinary Delights
Different cultures have unique culinary traditions. While some avoid mixing fish and dairy for religious reasons, many enjoy dishes like cheesy fish bakes or creamy fish pasta. This combination is particularly popular in South Africa, the UK, and several Asian countries.

Health Considerations and Nutritional Balance
Though not scientifically proven to be harmful, there are some reasons to be cautious about combining fish and milk. This pairing might not be ideal for those with weak immune systems. Some believe it could lead to a nutritional imbalance, as fish provides protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and various vitamins, while milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D. It's thought that consuming these together might hinder nutrient absorption.

Ayurvedic Perspective
Ancient Ayurvedic traditions suggest that mixing fish and dairy can be harmful to health. While modern science doesn't support this claim, it's always wise to consider individual dietary needs and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Myth: Seafood is full of mercury, and eating it will harm your body; it should be avoided, especially by pregnant women and young children.

Fact: It is safe to eat fish and seafood as long as you choose those that are low in mercury and follow guidelines for weekly consumption. Avoiding fish during pregnancy can negatively impact gestation and affect the neurodevelopment of children. Ensure all food is fully cooked during pregnancy. Avoid high-mercury fish like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish to minimize risk.

Myth: Wild-Caught Fish is Superior; Farmed Fish Quality is Lower

Many people believe that farmed seafood is less nutritious and of lower quality than wild-caught seafood. However, research shows that both wild-caught and farmed fish offer essential nutrients. Farmed seafood is produced under controlled conditions, ensuring consistent quality. Unlike wild-caught fish, aquaculture allows for the improvement of the nutritional quality of the fish through dietary adjustments and nutrient fortification.

Aquaculture also addresses significant challenges, including food security and reducing the strain on wild fish populations. It provides consumers with healthier and more sustainable seafood options.

Myth: Seafood Spoils Too Quickly

Worried about fish spoiling? Frozen fish is a fantastic option, lasting about twice as long in the freezer compared to the refrigerator. Canned seafood boasts an even longer shelf life, provided it's stored according to package instructions. Properly stored seafood, whether fresh or frozen, should have a mild smell and taste.

Myth: Darker Fish are Richer in Omega-3

Contrary to popular belief, the omega-3 content in fish is not determined by its color. Fatty fish like mackerel, sardines, salmon, and tuna are well-known for their high omega-3 levels. Numerous studies highlight that regular consumption of these fish can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. For optimal heart health, include these omega-3 rich fish in your diet.

Myth: Cooking Fish is More Difficult Than Cooking Other Types of Meat

Contrary to popular belief, cooking fish is actually easier than cooking other meats. Seafood cooks faster, making it crucial to avoid overcooking. Many cuts of fish can be perfectly cooked on the stove in under 10 minutes. Additionally, seafood is incredibly versatile, making it a great addition to a variety of dishes such as stir fries, pasta, and salads. Unlike chicken or beef, many types of seafood are safe and delicious when eaten raw or undercooked, reducing the risk of foodborne illnesses from home cooking.

Myth: Eating Meat is Healthier Than Eating Fish

Contrary to popular belief, eating fish offers numerous health benefits that are hard to beat. While both meat and fish provide ample protein, fish boasts high levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart health. Additionally, fish is rich in phosphorus for strong bones and teeth, potassium for muscle and heart function, and iodine for thyroid health. Calcium, found in fish bones like those of sardines and anchovies, and selenium, a powerful antioxidant, further enhance fish's nutritional profile. While chicken is known for its iron, zinc, and selenium content, fish remains a superior source of lean protein and essential B vitamins, whether fresh or frozen.

Myth: Seafood is Expensive

Many people believe that seafood is costly and best reserved for special occasions, but this is not always the case. Fresh, frozen, or canned seafood can all provide the same nutritional benefits, and affordable options are available to fit various budgets. Price fluctuations in seafood often result from supply and demand dynamics, seasonal availability, and trade issues. Despite these factors, it's possible to enjoy the delicious and luxurious taste of seafood without breaking the bank.

Myth: Only Eat Oysters in Months with an "R"

It's a common belief that oysters should only be consumed in months containing the letter "R" (September to December), excluding the summer months like June, July, and August. This myth originated because warm months coincide with oyster spawning, affecting taste and safety due to increased bacteria. Today, stringent government regulations ensure oysters are safe year-round when properly cooked.

Myth: Seafood Smells Fishy

Fresh fish doesn't inherently smell fishy. Proper storage is key to maintaining freshness and avoiding unpleasant odors. Fish like tilapia, Arctic char, flounder, and cod are excellent choices for those seeking fish without a strong smell or taste. Always purchase from reputable vendors and consider online options for freshness and convenience. Interesting Fact: Fish Smells and Swimming Depth

Did you know fish that swim closer to the surface, like herring or mackerel, tend to be oilier and smellier? In contrast, deeper-laying fish are less pungent due to their different body composition and behavior.

Myth: Avoid Fish on Mondays and Buy on Fridays

An old myth suggests avoiding seafood on Mondays due to freshness concerns from weekend deliveries. However, the freshness of fish depends on the supplier, not the day of purchase. Trustworthy suppliers offer high-quality fish any day of the week, including frozen options that preserve nutritional value and flavor.

Myth: Female Lobsters Taste Better

Contrary to popular belief, the taste of lobsters isn't influenced by gender. The only distinction comes from personal preference for roe found in female lobsters. Both male and female lobsters offer similar taste and texture in their meat.

Myth: Oceans Will Be Depleted of Fish by 2048

The claim that fish stocks would collapse by 2048 has been debunked by recent scientific assessments. Improved fisheries management indicates most fish stocks will be sustainable by 2050.

Myth: Seafood Is Naturally High in Sodium

Sodium levels in seafood vary widely. While some shellfish contain higher sodium levels, fish like salmon, cod, halibut, flounder, tuna, and snapper are naturally low in sodium. This makes them healthy choices for low-sodium diets.

Myth: Eating Seafood During Monsoon is Unhealthy

During the monsoon season, many fish may contain eggs, which can be less healthy for human consumption. Additionally, some fish are preserved with harmful components to extend shelf life, compromising freshness. It might be advisable to limit fish consumption during this time for these reasons.

Myth: Shellfish are High in Cholesterol

While shellfish like shrimp and crab do contain cholesterol, they are low in saturated fat, which has a greater impact on blood cholesterol levels. They are also rich in lean protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a nutritious choice when prepared without additional saturated fats like butter.

Myth: Imitation Crab is Not Real Seafood

Imitation crab, made from surimi (ground-up fish), is indeed seafood but not crab. It's a processed product designed for longer shelf life.

Myth: Lobsters Are Scavengers

Lobsters are primarily hunters, feeding on live prey such as snails and fish. Their banded claws are a natural defense, not indicative of being scavengers.

Myth: Great Seafood Only on the Coast

Modern transportation, including refrigerated trucks, ensures fresh seafood is accessible inland, dispelling the myth that coastal locations are the only source of quality seafood.

Myth: Mahi Mahi and Dolphin Meat

Mahi Mahi, or dolphinfish, is often confused with dolphins due to similar names, but they are different species entirely. Mahi Mahi is a fish prized for its flavor and is not related to marine mammals like dolphins.

Myth: Cooking Fish Until Brown

Contrary to the myth, fish is best enjoyed when not overcooked to preserve its nutritional value, especially omega-3 fatty acids. Cooking until just opaque and easily flaking with a fork maintains both taste and nutrients.

Myth: Overcooked Seafood

Properly cooked seafood is essential to avoid health risks associated with undercooked fish. While some types can be enjoyed raw when prepared correctly, others must be cooked thoroughly to prevent foodborne illness.

Myth: Straight-Tailed Crawfish

The myth that straight tails indicate poor quality or death prior to cooking is false. Crawfish tails can naturally straighten during cooking and are safe to eat regardless of tail position.

Myth: Sourcing Sustainable Seafood

Contrary to popular belief, sourcing sustainable seafood is feasible through supporting local fisheries and utilizing fish entirely to minimize waste. Awareness has led to improved fishing practices and conservation efforts.

Myth: Dover Sole Origin

Dover Sole refers to common sole found throughout Europe, not just near Dover. It's valued for its delicate flavor and is sourced from various cold-water regions.

Myth: Fish Oil Quality

Fresh fish oil should not smell or taste fishy; a fishy odor indicates oxidation and rancidity, which diminishes its nutritional benefits and could be harmful.

Myth: Aquaculture vs. Wild-Caught

Both aquaculture and wild-caught fish offer safe and nutritious options, with practices like species selection, location, and diet having a greater impact on nutritional quality than the method of catching.

Myth: Tilapia Misconception

Tilapia is a nutritious fish often criticized due to farming practices in some regions. Responsibly sourced tilapia, such as from sustainable farms, provides essential nutrients and is a popular choice in many diets.

Myth: Defrosting Prawns

Defrosting prawns can be done overnight in the fridge or quickly under cool running water, ensuring they are handled gently to maintain their delicate texture.

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FISH FRAUD - Beware of Fish swap or Fake Fish in Restaurants and Seafood Shops

When is a sea bass not a sea bass? when it’s served as tilapia. Fish fraud happens everywhere, from endangered species passed off as snapper to deadly pufferfish sold with devastating consequences, how can you know that what you’re eating is what you’ve paid for? Seafood fraud includes swapping cheaper fish and passing them off as more expensive fillets, or putting false, incomplete or misleading information on a label.

sharkman shark woman

List of fishes substituted for more expensive ones.

Asian catfish was found to be the type of fish most often sold as a different, higher value type of fish. The next commonly mislabelled species were sea bass and snapper.

Fish name Substitute
Asian catfish Asian catfish was sold as 18 different types of fishes like perch, grouper, sole, plaice, halibut.Also known in the UK as Vietnamese river cobbler , Basa, Swai, Panga, Pacific Dory, Pangasius is a cheap substitute for cod or haddock in uk and Hamour in gulf countries. This relative of catfish is the most common culprit in cases of seafood fraud. It might be called grouper or sole on the menu
Sea bass It is substituted with giant perch or Nile tilapia, fish that should be less and is considered lower quality
Red snapper Red snapper is substituted with catfish, rockfish, tilapia, nile perch, mahi mahi, mullet snapper, malabar blood snapper,Atlantic cod
Haddock One of the most common substitutions was haddock for cod haddock is substituted with saithe
chilean sea bass white bass, striped bass
hogfish Indian grouper.
Grouper tilapia , alaska pollock, nile perch, channel catfish, hake
wild salmon atlantic farmed salmon
Atlantic cod saithe, pollock, whiting, escolar
tropical sole common sole
white tuna (albacore) were actually escolar, This fatty, waxy fish causes digestive upset and diarrhea, also is high in mercury content.
gaint freshwater prawn slipper lobster
Alaskan halibut greenland turbot
dover sole walleye
walleye Alaskan pollock
redfish channel catfish
black drum sheephead
florida snapper lavender jobfish
swordfish mako shark
white snapper white hake
bluefin tuna bigeye tuna ,yellowfin tuna
mahi mahi halibut, Yellowtail,
Anchovies Icefish
orange roughy john dory
Monk fish pufferfish
Red mullet spotted goatfish
shark meat with nile perch
red drum black drum
halibut sea bass, deep water cape hake
yellow perch white perch
caviar (sturgeon species) other fish Roe
walleye sauger
chum salmom pink salmon
scallops skate wings
salmon rainbow trout or steelhead trout
blue crabmeat imported crabmeat
abalone top shell

Imported seafood was sometimes marketed as locally-caught, while vulnerable species like the Atlantic halibut were falsely advertised as a more sustainable catch.

SEAFOOD fraud is a serious global problem”, one in five fish sold has been mislabelled. Seafood fraud can happen at each step of the supply chain – the restaurant, the distributor, or the processing and packaging phase. You may not be getting the fish you paid for. In most cases, the motivation is economic—slippery restaurateurs frequently serve up cheaper fish than they advertise to cut costs.

Here’s how to avoid seafood fraud.

Buying whole fish is cool! Not only does a whole fish prevent mislabeling, a clear eye and nice sheen on the body will tell you that the fish is good quality! Plus, fish heads make for a great seafood stock. A whole fish, is far easier to identify “than a fillet in a plastic pack. If you’re worry about filleting one yourself, buy the fish and ask your fishmonger to fillet it for you.”Food standards authorities can now use DNA testing to identify fish, but the average customer merely comes equipped with their own senses.
Not only is fish priced lower when it is abundant during its peak season, fish is mislabeled more when it is not in season.
If the price is too good to be true, it probably is a sign that it is a mislabeled product.
The four most common fish that are most likely to be mislabeled for species swap include tuna, snapper, salmon and grouper - always ask extra questions when buying these fish.

Along with ripping off consumers, the consequences of seafood fraud include:

Directly threatens human health. Swapping one fish species for another that may be riddled with contaminants, toxins or allergens can make people sick.
Creates a market for illegal fishing by making it easy to launder illegally caught seafood products through the EU market. This undermines conservation efforts to prevent overfishing and accidental capture of at-risk species and hurts honest fishermen.
Mislabeling fish makes it difficult for consumers to make eco-friendly choices.
Misleads consumers about the true availability of seafood and the state of the marine environment. Because mislabeling maintains the appearance of a steady supply of popular fish species despite severe overfishing, the general public is unaware that the species is in serious trouble.

Consumers can also make a difference. Consider asking questions such as:

What species of fish am I ordering?
Is it wild or farmed?
How was it caught?
Is the price too good to be true?

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How to identify the types of tuna from its steaks ?

Salmon and mackerel are known for their more fish-esque flavor, tuna is beloved for its meat-like taste.Tuna is a type of saltwater fish and vary in size and color, depending on the type of tuna. There are different kinds of tuna, different grades of tuna, and even different ways tuna are caught, processed, and sold. Generally tuna has a semi-firm texture and is very flaky and often on the dryer side. It is a meatier fish than others. The meat is red when raw and once cooked it takes in a grey tone. The flavor is strong and fishy. Tuna steak is a healthy food choice, high in protein and omega 3-fats.Tuna is a good source of Vitamin B, potassium, vitamin D, phosphorus, selenium, and magnesium.

Identifying the types of tuna from their steaks can be challenging, but there are some key characteristics that can help distinguish among common varieties:

To identify these types accurately, consider the following steps:

Look at the Color: Compare the color of the raw tuna steak. Bluefin is usually the darkest, albacore the lightest, with yellowfin and bigeye somewhere in between.

Feel the Texture: Bluefin has a distinctive fatty texture, while yellowfin and bigeye are firmer.

Consider the Flavor: If tasting is an option, the flavor can be a big clue. Bluefin is rich and buttery, yellowfin is mild, and skipjack is strong and fishy.

Check for Fat Content: Visible fat marbling is more common in bluefin and bigeye tuna.

These tips can help you make an educated guess about the type of tuna, but keep in mind that variations within each species and different cuts can sometimes make identification tricky

Albacore Tuna Steak - The taste is clean and oceanic
Albacore Tuna best known as “white meat” tuna. Perfect for salads, grilling or searing steaks, this mild and delicate rich tasting fish has a firm texture with large, moist flakes. An excellent source of protein, it is also low in fat and sodium. Found maily in Temperate and tropical waters

Color: Light pink to white when raw.
Texture: Softer and less dense than yellowfin or bluefin.
Flavor: Mild and slightly buttery.
Appearance: Often lighter in color with a softer texture, and usually has a less intense flavor.

Bigeye Tuna Steak - The taste is tender, fattier tuna
Bigeye tuna found in tropical and subtropical water is a tender, fattier tuna than yellowfin, making it a richer tasting, Pink darker red meat  ideal for sushi and grilling. Its name comes from the unusually large eyes of the fish.

Color: Similar to yellowfin, deep red.
Texture: Firm and meaty.
Flavor: Richer than yellowfin, with a higher fat content.
Appearance: Can be similar to yellowfin but usually has a higher fat content and richer flavor.

Bluefin Tuna Steak - Rich buttery, dark red tasting meat
The king of tuna - Bluefin is a highly sought after fish for its sport and it's Pink deep red meat. Like bigeye tuna, bluefin tuna has Rich buttery, dark red tasting meat that makes the best sushi of all the tuna species. Main found in Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. Bluefin tuna are considered the most valuable because they can store a lot of fat in their musculature, and this means greater flavor and texture

Color: Dark red, almost maroon when raw.
Texture: Rich, fatty, and buttery texture.
Flavor: Strong, pronounced flavor.
Appearance: Marbling of fat is often visible, giving it a luxurious look.

Skipjack Tuna Steak -mild tasting, flaky and has a white to pale pink flesh
Skipjack tuna is a type of tuna and the smallest and most abundant of tuna used as a commercial food source. Skipjack is flaky and has a white to pale pink flesh. When raw, the flesh is red. it is a mild fishy tasting fish with a relatively strong flavor.Skipjack is commonly used in canned tuna labeled "chunk light"

Color: Darker red than albacore but lighter than bluefin or yellowfin.
Texture: Soft and flaky.
Flavor: Strong, often described as more "fishy".
Appearance: Smaller steaks with a darker, more intense color and a pronounced flavor.

Yellowfin Tuna Steak -mild tasting, reddish pink firm meat
Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus Albacares)  is mild in taste with reddish pink firm meat. Its fresh meat is used for sushi, Sashmi and grilling. Yellowfin and ahi tuna are the same - ahi is the Hawaiian name for yellowfin tuna.

Color: Deep red when raw.
Texture: Firm and dense.
Flavor: Mild and slightly sweet.
Appearance: Can have a slightly lighter color compared to other types, with a firm texture and small grain.

Skipjack makes up the largest component of tuna production worldwide, and most of it is canned and not sold fresh. Yellowfin accounts for 58% of the worldwide tuna catch, followed by bigeye (18%), albacore (17%), and bluefin (7%).

Skipjack Tuna Steak

What does Tuna Taste Like?

Tuna is a type of fish with a mild, meaty flavor. The taste of tuna can vary depending on the specific variety of tuna and how it is prepared. Fresh tuna often has a slightly sweet and clean taste with a firm texture. When cooked, tuna can have a rich, buttery flavor that is often described as similar to steak.
Canned tuna has a milder flavor compared to fresh tuna. It is typically described as having a more fishy taste and a softer texture.

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Seafood Allergy - Crucial things to be aware of

Allergic reactions occur when the immune system overreacts to a specific allergen, leading to severe adverse effects. These reactions often appear within minutes of allergen exposure, such as Seafood, but can sometimes develop hours later. Seafood allergies are typically lifelong. Various triggers for these reactions include food, insect stings, latex, medications, and other substances. The nine main food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, milk, eggs, seafood (including fish, crustaceans, and shellfish), soy, wheat, and sulphites (a food additive). Seafood refers to all edible fish (e.g., trout, salmon), crustaceans (e.g., lobster, shrimp), molluscs (e.g., scallops, clams), and shellfish from both fresh and saltwater environments.

Seafood Allergies(fish, crustaceans and shellfish)

Recognizing Allergic Reaction Symptoms: What to Look For?

When a person encounters an allergen, the signs of a reaction can appear swiftly and escalate from mild to severe. The most serious type of allergic response is known as anaphylaxis. Symptoms can include breathing difficulties, a drop in blood pressure or shock, which may result in loss of consciousness and even death. An individual with an allergic reaction may exhibit various symptoms.
  • Red and warm face, skin rash, hives, and itchiness
  • Swelling may occur in the eyes, face, lips, throat, or tongue, along with difficulty breathing, speaking, or swallowing
  • Feelings of anxiety, distress, faintness, paleness, a sense of impending doom, and weakness
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms like cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting may also manifest
  • In severe cases, a decrease in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness may occur

How are food allergies and severe allergic reactions treated?

Presently, there is no known cure for food allergies. The sole recourse is the complete avoidance of the specific allergen. In cases of anaphylaxis, a severe reaction to food allergies, timely administration of adrenaline is crucial. This life-saving medication is available in an auto-injector device for quick and easy use. Adrenaline should be promptly administered at the onset of severe allergic symptoms, followed by immediate medical attention at a hospital emergency room. If your allergist has diagnosed you with a food allergy and prescribed adrenaline, it is imperative to always carry it with you and be well-versed in its proper usage. Adhere to your allergist’s instructions on how to operate an auto-injector device for optimal effectiveness.

How can I avoid a fish, crustacean or shellfish-related reaction if I’m allergic to these foods?

Steer clear of any food or items that have fish, crustaceans, shellfish, or their byproducts. This includes any product that cautions it could potentially have traces of fish, crustaceans, or shellfish.

If I am allergic to one type of seafood will I be allergic to another?

It is possible for individuals who have an allergy to a certain type of seafood (whether it be fish, crustacean, or shellfish) to consume other varieties of seafood without experiencing an allergic reaction. However, research indicates that if a person has a specific seafood allergy, they may also have allergies to other species within the same category. For instance, if someone is allergic to cod, they might also have an allergy to pike since both are classified as fish; similarly, a shrimp allergy could extend to lobster as both are crustaceans; and an allergy to mussels might mean an allergy to clams as they are both shellfish. It's important to note that being allergic to one type of seafood does not guarantee an allergy to all other types within the same group. It is advisable to consult with your allergist before trying out different seafood options.

What is the difference between a fish, crustacean or shellfish allergy and histamine poisoning?

When an individual has a seafood sensitivity, their immune system reacts abnormally to proteins found in fish, crustaceans, or shellfish. Histamine toxicity occurs when consuming fish with elevated histamine levels, a compound that forms as certain fish types begin to spoil. Increased histamine levels arise when fish like anchovies, mackerel, mahi-mahi, and tuna are not adequately frozen or refrigerated. Symptoms of histamine toxicity mimic those of a seafood allergy and may be mistaken for a reaction to fish, crustaceans, or shellfish. If uncertain whether experiencing a seafood allergy or histamine toxicity, seeking guidance from an allergist or immediate medical attention is recommended.

What is the difference between crustaceans and shellfish?

Shellfish (also known as molluscs) have a hinged two-part shell and include clams, mussels, oysters and scallops, and various types of octopus, snails and squid. Crustaceans are aquatic animals that have jointed legs, a hard shell and no backbone, such as crab, crayfish, lobster, prawns and shrimp.

Can I have a seafood-related reaction even if I do not eat or use seafood and seafood derivatives?

There have been documented responses to seafood fumes produced during cooking, preparing (such as using hot skillets), and dealing with fish, crustaceans, shellfish, and/or related products. It is advisable to steer clear of these circumstances. Seafood and its byproducts are frequently concealed under various aliases, like kamaboko. To identify other prevalent ingredient label terms, consult the provided list. It is essential to meticulously review the ingredient list of any product before consumption.

Are fish-based omega-3 supplements safe for fish allergic consumers?
People who are allergic to fish may not need to avoid fish oil supplements. Fish oils supplements on the market tend to be refined enough to remove all of the proteins that can trigger allergic reactions. However, you should consult your allergist before consuming anything made with fish oils.

What do I do if I am not sure whether a product contains seafood or seafood derivatives?

If you have a seafood allergy, do not eat or use the product. Get ingredient information from the manufacturer.

Does product size affect the likelihood of an allergic reaction?

The probability of a reaction remains unchanged, but a specific brand of product might be suitable for consumption in one size while posing a risk in another size. This discrepancy arises from potential differences in product composition across various sizes of the same product.

Avoiding seafood and seafood derivatives

Possible sources of fish, crustaceans and shellfish

  • Deli meats, e.g., bologna, ham
  • Dips, spreads, kamaboko (imitation crab/lobster meat)
  • Ethnic foods, e.g., fried rice, paella, spring rolls, Nuoc Mâm
  • Fish mixtures, e.g., surimi (used to make imitation crab/lobster meat)
  • Garnishes, e.g., antipasto, caponata (Sicilian relish), caviar, roe (unfertilized fish eggs)
  • Gelatin, marshmallows
  • Hot dogs
  • Pizza toppings
  • Salad dressings
  • Sauces, e.g., fish, marinara, steak,Worcestershire
  • Soups
  • Spreads, e.g., taramasalata (contains salted carp roe)
  • Sushi
  • Tarama (salted carp roe)
  • Wine

  • Non-food sources of fish, crustaceans and shellfish

  • Fish food
  • Lip balm/lip gloss
  • Pet food

Note: These lists are not complete and may change. Food and food products purchased from other countries, through mail-order or the Internet, are not always produced using the same manufacturing and labelling standards

Be sure to carefully check the labels of products to steer clear of any containing seafood or seafood-related ingredients. Avoid consuming items without ingredient lists and make it a habit to read labels each time you go shopping. Manufacturers might alter their formulations or include different ingredients in various products under the same brand. Prior to shopping, consult the following list for guidance.

Other names for fish, crustaceans and shellfish

Anchovy, bass, bluefish, bream, carp, catfish (channel cat, mudcat), char, chub, cisco, cod, eel, flounder, grouper, haddock, hake, halibut, herring, mackerel, mahi-mahi, marlin, monkfish (angler fish, lotte), orange roughy, perch, pickerel (dore, walleye), pike, plaice, pollock, pompano, porgy, rockfish, salmon, sardine, shark, smelt, snapper, sole, sturgeon, swordfish, tilapia (St. Peter’s fish), trout, tuna (albacore, bonito), turbot, white fish, whiting.

Crab, crayfish (crawfish, écrevisse), lobster (langouste, langoustine, coral, tomalley), prawns, shrimp (crevette).

Abalone, clam, cockle, conch, limpets, mussels, octopus, oysters, periwinkle, quahaugs, scallops, snails (escargot), squid (calamari), whelks.

Watch out for allergen cross contamination!

Cross contamination is the transfer of an ingredient (food allergen) to a product that does not normally have that ingredient in it. Through cross contamination, a food that should not contain the allergen could become dangerous to eat for those who are allergic.

Cross contamination can happen:
  • during food manufacturing through shared production and packaging equipment
  • at retail through shared equipment,e.g.,cheese and deli meats sliced on the same slicer; and through bulk display of food products, e.g., bins of baked goods, bulk nuts;
  • during food preparation at home or in restaurants through equipment, utensils and hand

What can I do?

Be informed
See an allergist and educate yourself about food allergies. Contact your local allergy association for further information.

Before eating
Allergists recommend that if you do not have your auto-injector device with you, then you do not eat. If an ingredient list says a product “may contain” or “does contain” seafood or seafood derivatives, do not eat it. If you do not recognize an ingredient or there is no ingredient list available, avoid the product

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Fishes having human names in different parts of the world

These names are often used more informally and can vary widely in different regions and contexts. These names often arise from regional or colloquial usage. Do you know any names similar to these in your country, do share.

sharkman shark woman

Dory: This is a type of fish found in the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Indian Ocean.

Jack Crevalle: A common type of jack fish.
Jackfish: Commonly used to refer to various species of fish in the jack family, such as the Jack Crevalle

Tom Cod: Also known simply as tomcod, a small fish found in the Atlantic Ocean.

Johnny Bass: A colloquial name for various types of bass, though not an official species name.

Napoleon fish: humphead wrasse, named after the emperor and very beautiful fish

Marlin: is thought to derive from their resemblance to a sailor's marlinspike

Betty Grunt: A type of grunt fish.

George Whiting: A colloquial name sometimes used for certain species of whiting.

Peter's Elephantnose Fish: Known scientifically as Gnathonemus petersii.

Bobby Bluegill: A playful nickname for the bluegill fish.

Nancy Red Snapper: A colloquial name for the red snapper.

Tommy Ruff: Another name for the Australian herring.

Sally Lightfoot Crab: Although a crab, it’s often included in lists with fish for its human-sounding name.

Charlie Carp: A colloquial name sometimes used for common carp.

Dave's Anchovy: While not an official name, anchovies are sometimes given this kind of nickname.

Gilbert Grouper: A playful name for grouper fish.

Henry Hake: Hake is a fish that could be referred to this way in casual conversation.

Larry Lobster: Though a lobster, it's often included in such lists.

Sammy Salmon: A popular nickname for salmon.

Billy Bass: Often used for largemouth bass.

Andy Anchovy: A playful nickname for anchovy.

Paul Perch: Commonly used for various perch species.

Jimmy Jellyfish: A common playful name for jellyfish.

Sandy Shrimp: A nickname sometimes used for shrimp.

Freddy Flounder: A common nickname for flounder.

Timmy Tuna: Often used for tuna fish.

Wally Walleye: A playful nickname for walleye.

Ricky Ray: Sometimes used for stingrays.

Mickey Mackerel: A nickname for mackerel.

Danny Drum: Used for various drum fish.

Benny Barracuda: A playful name for barracuda.

Harry Haddock: A nickname for haddock.

Eddie Eel: Often used for eels.

Kenny Koi: A nickname for koi fish.

Frankie Frogfish: A playful name for frogfish.

Garry Gar: Sometimes used for garfish.

Lenny Lionfish: A nickname for lionfish.

Vince Viperfish: Used for viperfish.

Tommy Tarpon: A playful name for tarpon

George's whiting (Australia): Another name for certain species of whiting.

Tommy Ruff (Australia): Another name for the Australian herring.

Johnny Darter (North America): A small freshwater fish found in streams and rivers.

Jerry Cod (Canada): A colloquial name sometimes used for cod fish.

Peter's Gourami (Asia): Refers to various species of gourami fish.

Oscar fish (South America): A popular aquarium fish known scientifically as Astronotus ocellatus. 

Billy Bream (UK): Refers to various species of bream.

Samson Fish (Australia): Another name for the amberjack.

Tony Tuna (Japan): Tuna fish are very popular in Japan, and the name Tony Tuna is sometimes used.

Larry Lumpfish (Scandinavia): Refers to the lumpsucker fish.

Percy Perch (UK): Commonly used for various perch species.

Donnie Dace (UK): Refers to the common dace.

Franky Flounder (Europe): Used for various flounder species.

Eddie Eel (UK): Often used for eels.

Hans Herring (Germany): Refers to herring, a popular fish in Germany.

Carlos Catfish (South America): Refers to various species of catfish.

Paulo Piranha (South America): Refers to piranhas, known for their sharp teeth.

Nemo (Clownfish, globally popular): Made famous by the movie "Finding Nemo".

Johnny Roach (UK): Refers to the common roach.

Mario Mullet (Italy): Refers to the mullet fish.

Johnny Mackerel (UK): Refers to various species of mackerel.

Tommy Trout (North America and Europe): Refers to various trout species.

Charlie Char (Europe): Refers to various species of char.

Donnie Drum (North America): Used for different drum fish species.

Vince Vimba (Eastern Europe): Refers to the vimba bream.

Gregory Gar (North America): Refers to gar fish.

Ivan Ide (Europe): Refers to the ide fish.

Tony Tilapia (Africa): Refers to various tilapia species.

Ramon Robalo (South America): Refers to snook fish, also known as robalo.

Harry Hake (UK): Refers to hake fish.

Francois Flounder (France): Refers to various flounder species.

Bobby Bluefish (North America): Refers to the bluefish.

Pedro Parrotfish (Tropical regions): Refers to various species of parrotfish.

Eddy Eelpout (Scandinavia): Refers to the eelpout or burbot.

Sammy Snapper (Australia): Refers to various snapper species.

Geoffrey Gudgeon (UK): Refers to the gudgeon fish.

Oliver Otter (North America and Europe): Though not a fish, otters are associated with aquatic environments.

Marco Mahi-Mahi (Hawaii and other tropical regions): Refers to the mahi-mahi fish.

Timmy Tarpon (North America): Refers to tarpon fish.

Carlos Cod (UK): Refers to the Atlantic cod.

Unni Mary (India) : A finned bulleye, named after an actress with big round eyes.

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Top 10 Fishes to Avoid Eating and why

Shark: High in mercury and overfished.
Many shark species are overfished and face the threat of extinction. Sharks also have high mercury levels due to their position at the top of the food chain, posing health risks to humans.

Swordfish/ marlin
Swordfish: Contains high mercury levels.
Swordfish are high in mercury and can pose significant health risks if consumed frequently. Additionally, certain populations are overfished, and the methods used to catch them often result in bycatch of other marine species.

King Mackerel
King Mackerel: Known for high mercury content.
King mackerel is known for having high mercury levels, which can be particularly dangerous for children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.


Orange Roughy
Orange Roughy: Slow-growing and overfished.
Orange roughy has a very slow growth rate and can live up to 100 years, making it highly vulnerable to overfishing. It’s also caught using trawling methods that destroy seafloor habitats.

Bluefin tuna
Bluefin Tuna: Critically endangered due to overfishing.
Overfishing has led to a dramatic decline in bluefin tuna populations, making it an endangered species. Additionally, it has high levels of mercury, which can be harmful to human health, especially for pregnant women and young children.

Chilean Sea Bass
Chilean Sea Bass: Overfished and often caught using harmful methods
This fish is often caught using deep-sea trawlers, which can cause significant damage to the ocean floor and other marine life. It also faces issues with overfishing and illegal fishing practices.

Grouper: Overfished and high in mercury.
Grouper species are often overfished and have long lifespans, making them slow to reproduce and recover from population declines. They are also prone to ciguatera poisoning.

Monkfish: Overfished and caught using damaging methods.
Monkfish populations have been heavily targeted, leading to concerns about overfishing. Although there have been efforts to manage and rebuild stocks, they remain vulnerable in some regions

Tilefish: high mercury level, Overfished and caught using damaging methods.
Tilefish, especially the larger species like the golden tilefish, are known for accumulating high levels of mercury. This is due to their long lifespan and position in the food chain. High mercury levels can pose serious health risks, particularly to pregnant women, young children, and those with compromised health.

Atlantic cod
Atlantic Cod: Stocks are dangerously low from overfishing.
Grouper species are often overfished and have long lifespans, making them slow to reproduce and recover from population declines. They are also prone to ciguatera poisoning.

Sustainable Alternatives

  • Look for fish labeled as sustainably sourced or certified by organizations.
  • Choose species that are known to be more abundant and are caught using environmentally friendly methods, such as pole-and-line or handline fishing.
  • Consider eating more plant-based seafood alternatives to reduce pressure on marine ecosystems.

"Opt for sustainable and safer seafood choices!
Like and subscribe for more seafood tips!"

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What is Anchovy fish called - fish names in English

Common names of Anchovy in India, Anchovy Fish names in Malayalam, Anchovy Fish names in telugu, Anchovy Fish names in Tamil, Anchovy Fish names in Marathi , Anchovy Fish names in Hindi


Anchovy, Smelt

Malayalam ( മലയാളം ): Nethili, Kozhuva, Natholi, Netha , Nathal

Tamil ( தமிழ ): Nethali, Nethili, Thogai meen

Telugu ( తెలుగు ): Nethallu, poorava ,Kelba, Poravallu

Kannada: Manangu, bolingei Kollathuru

Other: Capsali Mandli मांडलि(konkani) Mandeli or GOLDEN ANCHOVIES, Phasa, Phansa Gang maurala, Ruli(bengali)Purasa, Churali Patua, Dinasi, Dindus, motyala, Enaga, Onaga, Phansi, Gujarathi - Pelli , Oriya - Chauli,

Malaysia : Bak kang, Bilis bunga air, Pusu, Teri

Arabic (عربى ): Barriya, Zaam, أنشوفة

Phyasa, padni(in pakistan)

Tagalog (also in Philippines ): Dilis, Silag, Alipatang, Bolinao, Munamom

Srilanka : Halmassa, Handalla

Coilia, Golden Anchovy or Mandeli as popularly known in Maharastra. Also known as the grenadier anchovies or Gold spotted gernadier anchovy is a genus of anchovies

Arabic : أنشوفة بُقَع ذهب

Malayasia : Bulu ayam

Spain : Anchoa granadera dorada

Srilanka: தோகை மீன், Thogai-meen

India :मंदीळि, Mandeli, kapsali maṇḍli (Konkani)(कपसालि मांडलि) Oorialli,Monangu, ಮುನಂಗು, Olua


Anchovy is distinguished from smelt by the wide mouth and long eyes and relative position of fins with dorsal wholly behind. Anchovy is saltwater fish of the engraulidae family . Smelts (family Osmeridae) are Anadromous fishes means those that spend most of their lives in the sea but migrate to fresh water to spawn. True smelts seldom exceed 14 inches in length and thus classified as small fish. Eperlan, the French word used, is the name for the European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) of northern European lakes and seas is a true smelt. European smelt is typically 15 to 18 cm long.

Smelts only have one dorsal fin with rays, .The true smelt have a small adipose fin on the dorsal fin,which is absent in silversides but you can also find them on salmon, trout and most catfish, which looks more like a little fleshy nub. March–April the smelt season, in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, smelt (locally known as koryushka) is known as a special local delicacy, famous for its cucumber smell.

The osmerid smelts are often confused with atherind smelt (silverside family) The silversides and other unrelated fishes are sometimes also called smelts. Smelts are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and in lakes in North America and northern part of Europe.Smelts are not found in Indian Ocean or the southern hemisphere. These fishes are sometimes refrred as whitebaits too. Silvery-green fish, also known as rainbow smelt, are similar in appearance to sardines and anchovies. The silver smelt is silver and grey coloured about 20cm, dark on the back, and clear on the belly. It appears all along Peruvian coast. (Refer Candlefish - Thaleichthys pacificus) found in waters off the American Pacific northwest for its excessive oil content)

The European Anchovy is related to herring and are oily fishes.

Anchovy Smelt difference
European Anchovy or Black Sea Anchovy

The European anchovy or common names as Anchoa europea, Ansjovis, Hamsia,Anshuga, Enchova, Southern African anchovy, Japanese anchovy, Ansjos,Anchois de l'Afrique australe, Acciuga di Faro lives, Alice 'e sperone,Cicinielli janculilli (popular in Italy ), Antjúga or Europäische Sardelle or Katakuchiiwashi lives off the coasts of Europe and Africa, including in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea. It has a silver underbelly and blue, green or grey back and sides. A silver stripe along flank disappeares with age.

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Fish Names in English with pictures - Multilingual dictionary of 100 top fish names contains the names of most common fish species

Are you confused over fish names??? This fish dictionary / glossary contains fish name with picture, translation from English to Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Konkani, Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Arabic for the UAE people and gulf market and Tagalog names for my filipino friends, also some common fish names of India, UAE, Philippines and names in sindhi and balochi. Check the reference at the bottom of the blog for Malaysian, Singapore and Pinoy names of the fishes. Help me correct, if I have written any names wrong with the right names. I will update them here. Before going to the fish glossary , lets check ' How to select a fresh fish ' and for Good Seafood Recipes check here 📜.

'The freshness factor guide - How to buy Fresh Fish'


📜  20 fishes we should avoid eating

📜  Cooking fish the healthy way ?

- Bright scarlet gills/bright pink or red on a fish mean it’s freshly caught. A dull color is old fish. A red dye is often applied to the gills to make appear fresh , so beware.

EYE TEST - Look for CLEAR bright,glossy and dark eyes and sunken,red or cloudy white eyes are real no-no    [ Read more here.....]
How to check your fish is fresh - Tips & Tricks to Choose fresh fish
common english fish names with picture, kerala fish names, telugu fish names, Fish names in malayalam with picture, Fish names in Hindi with picture, Fish names in tamil with picture, , Fish names in kannada with picture, Fish names in marathi with picture, Health benefits, Fish names in konkani with picture insurance, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya and Spanish, Tagalog , Malay, Bikol, Ilokano , Arabic, French, Mandarin, Sinhalese
✔  The name of fishes vary from country to country, state to state and even region to region.

FISH GLOSSARY - Fish names in English with pictures. Download a copy @ SCRIBD

📜  Do you know the National Fish of India ???

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✔  Below glossary is a compilation of fish names in various languages with images



Anchovy, Smelt

Malayalam ( മലയാളം ): Nethili, Kozhuva, Natholi, Netha , Nathal

Tamil ( தமிழ ): Nethali, Nethili, Thogai meen

Telugu ( తెలుగు ): Nethallu, poorava ,Kelba, Poravallu

Kannada: Manangu, bolingei Kollathuru

Other: Capsali Mandli मांडलि(konkani) Mandeli or GOLDEN ANCHOVIES, Phasa, Phansa Gang maurala, Ruli(bengali)Purasa, Churali Patua, Dinasi, Dindus, motyala, Enaga, Onaga, Phansi, Gujarathi - Pelli , Oriya - Chauli,

Malaysia : Bak kang, Bilis bunga air, Pusu, Teri

Arabic (عربى ): Barriya, Zaam, أنشوفة

Phyasa, padni(in pakistan)

Tagalog (also in Philippines ): Dilis, Silag, Alipatang, Bolinao, Munamom

Srilanka : Halmassa, Handalla


Anchovy is distinguished from smelt by the wide mouth and long eyes and relative position of fins with dorsal wholly behind. Anchovy is saltwater fish of the engraulidae family . Smelts (family Osmeridae) are Anadromous fishes means those that spend most of their lives in the sea but migrate to fresh water to spawn. True smelts seldom exceed 14 inches in length and thus classified as small fish. Eperlan, the French word used, is the name for the European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) of northern European lakes and seas is a true smelt. European smelt is typically 15 to 18 cm long.

Smelts only have one dorsal fin with rays, .The true smelt have a small adipose fin on the dorsal fin,which is absent in silversides but you can also find them on salmon, trout and most catfish, which looks more like a little fleshy nub. March–April the smelt season, in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg, smelt (locally known as koryushka) is known as a special local delicacy, famous for its cucumber smell.

The osmerid smelts are often confused with atherind smelt (silverside family) The silversides and other unrelated fishes are sometimes also called smelts. Smelts are found in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and in lakes in North America and northern part of Europe.Smelts are not found in Indian Ocean or the southern hemisphere. These fishes are sometimes refrred as whitebaits too. Silvery-green fish, also known as rainbow smelt, are similar in appearance to sardines and anchovies. The silver smelt is silver and grey coloured about 20cm, dark on the back, and clear on the belly. It appears all along Peruvian coast. (Refer Candlefish - Thaleichthys pacificus) found in waters off the American Pacific northwest for its excessive oil content)

The European Anchovy is related to herring and are oily fishes.

Anchovy Smelt difference
European Anchovy or Black Sea Anchovy

The European anchovy or common names as Anchoa europea, Ansjovis, Hamsia,Anshuga, Enchova, Southern African anchovy, Japanese anchovy, Ansjos,Anchois de l'Afrique australe, Acciuga di Faro lives, Alice 'e sperone,Cicinielli janculilli (popular in Italy ), Antjúga or Europäische Sardelle or Katakuchiiwashi lives off the coasts of Europe and Africa, including in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea. It has a silver underbelly and blue, green or grey back and sides. A silver stripe along flank disappeares with age.

Coilia, Golden Anchovy or Mandeli as popularly known in Maharastra. Also known as the grenadier anchovies or Gold spotted gernadier anchovy is a genus of anchovies

Arabic : أنشوفة بُقَع ذهب

Malayasia : Bulu ayam

Spain : Anchoa granadera dorada

Srilanka: தோகை மீன், Thogai-meen

India :मंदीळि, Mandeli, kapsali maṇḍli (Konkani)(कपसालि मांडलि) Oorialli,Monangu, ಮುನಂಗು, Olua

Barracuda (Sea Pike)

Malayalam: Neduva, chilavu, thinda,Koduva, Cheela, Thiruthakkadian, Sheelavu, Cheeelahoo

Tamil: Ooli, Pilinjan, ,Sheela, cheela, goli, gola, oozha, Seela

Telugu: Jellow

Kannada: Obantol, Kanaki,Suruli kandai, ಟೊಂಕೀ

Konkani: Tonki टोंकी

Other: Ghalse, Badvi, Badri, Jaban Tal (Marathi) Goli, Gola, Oozha, (Oriya)- Gayala, seela betu, Bengali - Surnagi nimcha

Arabic: Al Gidd, Agam, al kebeer, sabaat

Kund(in Pakistan)
Hebrew: Melita (obtuse barracuda)

Barramundi / Bekti(Gaint sea Perch, Begti, Cock-up, Sea bass)
Barramundi (Bekti, Seabass, Gaint sea perch, cock-up)

Barramundi / Bekti are known as Asian Seabass, one of the most popular fish in Australia, Thai cuisine and Bengali cuisine. Sea bass is a term for perch family found in sea near shore. Sea bass, bombay bekti, goan chonak are larger than kolkata variety caught mostly in estuaries

Fish names in Malayalam : Chemali narimeen, Kaalanji - narimeen, Nari meen, Nuddee meen, tanad, koduva, kolen

Fish names in Tamil : Painee meen, Koduvai,Padukoppa , Dadhara, Kodusa Keduwa, Koduwa, koduva, Painee Meen

Fish names in Telugu : Pandu Chepa, Pandu Meenu, Pandu Koppa, pandu goppa, పండుగప్ప, Pandugappa

Fish names in Kannada : Koliji, Mudar meenu, koleji, Kemberi, Koliji,Keliji

Fish names in Marathi : Khajura , Jiteda

Fish names in Odia: Bhekti , Vetki, Dadara, Bekkut, Durruah

Fish names in Bengali : Bekti, Todah , Gural

Other: Dodaro, goan chonak, cōnak (Konkani)(चोनक) Gariyu(gujarati) Fitadar, Bekti Koral, River snapper, Chonak(chonak), Tamoshi, Englishmans fish

Fish names in Arabic : Arosah, Nai sarah, sea bass (european)

Fish names in Tagalog : Apahap, Bulgan, Matang-Pusa, Katuyot

Dangri (in pakistan)

Hebrew: Barramundi

Hebrew: Bas sela (striped bass )

Hebrew: Levrak (sea bass)

Branzino European sea bass

European seabass : In North America it is widely known by its Italian name Branzino, Branzini or Mediterranean sea bass. In French, it's loup de mer. But the Chilean seabass isn't a bass at all, it's a Patagonian toothfish

Basa / Pangas /Vietnamese Catfish / Cream Dory

Malayalam: koori vaala, Indian Valah, Pangusis (Assam vala), Muzhu Meen, Malaysian vaala

Tamil: Keluthi Meen, Aie, Coola kelettee, broiler meen, Aeri vanjaram, Yeri Vanjaram

Telugu: pungus, Choluvajella, Pangas, Banka jella

Other: Baiki, sheelan in marathi and Jellum

UAE: Cream Dory, Sweet Doris, Shark Catfish

Basa (Pangasius bocourti) belongs to catfish family. In UK its known as Vietnamese river cobbler, basa, pangasius, panga.
North America and Australia its known as basa fish, swai, bocourti. other names are Yellowtail catfish

Bluefin Trevally
Bluefin travally

Malayalam: Vatta, Kuluvel, Oyupara, maduthala

Tamil: Parai

Telugu: Kuroogoo-Parah

Other: Shitap(marathi), Bluefin jack

Bombay Duck

Also refer Lizard fish below

Bombay Duck

Malayalam: Bummili, Bomblaya

Tamil: Vangaravasi,

Telugu: Vanamattalu , Coco Muttah, Cucah Sawahri

Kannada: Banguli

Other: Bombil,Nehare,Bunmalo (Marathi) loitta,Lutia, Bumaloh(Bengali)Bumla, Gulchi (Gujarati) Bombalo / Naluna / Banamotta / Bombil(Oriya), Bengali - Bombala / Nihare

Bombil, bombala(in pakistan)


Many fish go by the generic name "butterfish." Butterfish is a market name for several different types of fish.Mostly for the oily or butter content in these fishes they are locally known so. Many fishes are referred as butterfish like Cobia, Trevally, Scat, Pompano, Dart, Amberjacks and Seer fish.

In kerala Seerfish, Cobia and Punnarameen / Poonara meen(Greater amberjack) are confused as butterfish . In Tamilnadu the Snakeheads are sometimes referred as butterfish

Spotted Scat are also called Butterfish

Malayalam: Nachara (spotted scat fish )

Kannada: Konande, Bonke(Black-banded trevally) [fish no. 3 in the image]

Other: Saudalo, karchani(Konkani), saundāḷe (सौंदाळे, ಸೌಂದಾಳೆ)
Chitra chandi(Oriya- spotted scat) Paira Chanda, Bheja touri (Bengali for - spotted scat)
spotted scat-buttterfish-Chitra chandi- Paira Chanda, Bheja touri -Nachara

Escolar is often sold under various names like "butterfish", "Hawaiian walu", "Snale Mackerel" or "super white tuna".
Butter fish is also known as chinese pomfret or white pomfret fish or pompano
American butterfish is also known as dollarfish, shiner, skipjack, sheepshead, or harvestfish.
Black cod or sablefish is also sometimes confused as butterfish in some places


Malayalam: etta, Valia Etta, Kaari , Etta koori(marine)Thendu Kadu(Freshwater Stinging Catfish)

Tamil: Kelluthi, Kezhuthi, Mandai, Kaleru, Irung Keletee, Keluthi, Kellettee, Keliru

Kannada: Thede, Shede, Shede Galiya

Odia: Kantia (white) Magura(black), Jalanga(River), Thella Jella, Nellajella

Other: Pungas(freshwater), Tedi jella, jellalu, Ungilayi, Jella,walaga(Telugu) , Muchal kanta(marine), Kan Magur(Bengali) Walshingala, Walshingti(kanada) Nal Shingala(Marathi) Mogamshede, Pangusg, Shingala,Sangot (konkani), Sangtam, Shyade, Sangat, Vari Choongum, Varichundan Mushi, Konkani - Sangot, Fish names in Gujarathi - Khago

Arabic: Chim Khen, kumal

Tagalog: Hito, Pantat,Ito

Khagga, Singhara, Kun (in pakistan)

Catla(Bengal Carp)
Katla, Bengal Carp

Malayalam: Karakatla, Karaka, Karacatla, Katla,

Tamil: Catla, Katla, Kendai, Theppu Meenu, Kanavi ,Koora-Kendai , Theppu Meenu ,Thopaameenu , Japan Kendai, Thoppu meen, Yamaneri kendai, Karavai

Telugu: Botchee, Botchi, Botcha ,Bochu , Bacha, Krishnabotcha

Other: Bhakua, Baudhekera , Baudhekra (Assamese),Katla,Pla Kra Ho (Bengali), Bawas,Tambra,Thambra (Gujarati)Boassa,Chepti ,Bhakur,Katla (Fish name in Hindi)Tambra,Katala,Pla Kra Ho (Marathi),Bahkur,Barkur,Bhakur (Oriya)Theil ,Theila,Thaila (Punjabi),Boassa (Rajasthani)


Malayalam: Kakka, Eninthti, Kakka matti

Tamil: Kilinjal, Matti(Vjtlia), inatti ,vari Matti, Panja matti, Vazhi, vazhukkumatti, Chippi(sometimes)

Telugu: Boodidhi gulla , Gangalicheppa gulla

Marathi: Shivale , Tigari , Shimpale , Tisare

Gujarathi: Chhipia

Fish name in Konkani: Kuleye

Other: Tisre, Khubbe, Tisrio, Teesrya, tisre तिस्रे (konkani) khubbo खुब्बो, ಖುಬ್ಬೊ , ತಿಸ್ರೆ

Arabic: Sughoa

Malabar Reef Cod- Fish names in Malayalam with pictures

Malayalam: Mullan, Sarghan, Chemmun, panna Mahi mahi

Tamil: Panna, Kalava

Kannada: Guri, Gopra, Muri Meenu

Other: Gobro(konkan), Kallmurya

Also refer Grouper

Fishes of kerala

Convict Surgeonfish
Convict Surgeon

Malayalam: Kurichil, Nelalan, Varipara, Paalla

Tamil: Kozhimeen,

Kannada: mada

Telugu: Mootah

Arabic: Sohal

Tagalog: Labahita, Yapot

Fishes of Tamilnadu


Malayalam : Njandu, Nandu

Tamil : Nandu

Telugu : Pitha, Peetha,

Gujarathi : Karachala

Hindi : Kekada Marathi : Khadapichimbori

Konkani : Kurilo

Kannada : Kallu Denji

Oriya : Kanakda, Manda peta

Bengali : Kankara

Other: Kekda, Kurlya, Aedi, kurlo कुरलो, Nona(Konkan), ಕುರ್ಲೊ

Kekra, kukri,googoo tanga(in Pakistan)

Arabic :gabgoob, Qubqub,saratan sabih

common sea fishes in kerala

Cuttle Fish

Malayalam: Tonadi Kanava, Kalaan Kanava

Tamil: Kanavai, Totti kanava, Ottu Kanava, Muttai, Kadamba

Kannada: Kappe Dondas

Telugu: Charala Kalivinda, Kandavai

Oriya: Kumiti muna, kalirinda, Batua macha

Gujarathi: Dodka

Marathi: Makul

Konkani: Bebo

Other: Maya Mach

Mayya, mus(in Pakistan)

Arabic: habbar, Subaidaj

Fishes Name in Malayalam

Dart(snubnose dart / Silver Pompano)

Malayalam: Peeyada

Tamil: Kootili, kutili

Kannada: Kaduvai, Kokkare.

Other: Ladagoo, Katattitaka

Arabic: Tallaha, Al sibin, seben

Onaf, sonam, sonab(sindhi in Pakistan)

Fish names in Tamil with picture

Dolphin Fish(Mahi Mahi or Dorado)
Dolphin Fish (Mahi Mahi)

Fish name in Malayalam: Avvnose, Abanoos, Chain cover fish

Fish name in Tamil: Avlis, Kal vanna,badahlen, Koppurai Kula, Ayilis, ailai

Fish name in Kannada: Abanoos

Fish name in Telugu: Peda tura

Fish name in Oriya: Baal, Sisun magar

Fish name in Bengali: Putul

Fish name in Gujarati: Apnus , Himra machi

Fish name in Marathi: apnus , Abanoos, Himra massa

Fish name in Lakhadweep: Fiyala, Affunose

Fish name in Andaman: Rui

Fish name in Hindi : Mahi mahi, Affanood, Halwa

Fish name in Arabic: Anfalous, bakti

Fish name in Tagalog: Dorado, Dularo, Talang-talang, lapis

Mahlar, amlooshk, amrusk(in pakistan)

Fish Names Telugu

Eel / Yellow Pike Conger Eel / indian mottled eel
Indian Conger Eel anf Fresh water Eel(brown)

Even though the eel looks like a snake it is really a fish ( Eels, Congers and morays)

Malayalam: Pambu meen, Malanjil , Manangil, Malungulu, Maniangal,malanjal, Aarel (yellow pike)

Tamil: Vealangu, Vilangu, Seram Pambu, Velangoo, Vlangu, Porivelangu, Kotah, Kulivi pamboo(yellow pike conger)

Telugu: Malamgulu,Malugu, Bommidayalu, Bommidailu , Tala bon, Culim-poun(yellow pike)

Kannada: Kencholi, Hari Meenu, Hanchu mennu

Other: Thumbi (oriya) vaam, Bam, Kamila, Banehara(Bengali)Suteri, Kolaav, Bale, Vaamb, Vaam, Ahir, Kilis (Marathi) in vasai marathi its called VAAVI, vaahi

Barn, Sankh, Saang (in pakistan)

Nepali: Raj Baam

Tagalog: Igat,Palos, Pindanga

Fish names in Tamil Nadu

Emperor / Mula / pigface bream
Emperor or Pigface Bream
Malayalam: valiya vilmeen, Kurali, Pulli velameen

Tamil: valai meen, Kulli kozhi meen, Vannatthi, Vilaimeen

Kannada: Erimeenu, Kokkare, Eri meenu , Kokkaru

Telugu: Karwa

Oriya: Kokoroba, Karwa

Lakshadweep: Kurulimas , Punji

Gujarathi: Chuncha , Dhamil

Marathi: Dhamil

Arabic : shaour, Sheiri Arabi,gahash

Mulla, Gadeer(in pakistan)

Tagalog: Bitilya, Bukawin

Freshwater fishes of India

Fin Bream
Japanese threadfin bream
Japanese Threadfin Bream

Other breams: Pigface bream, Long spine bream, Butterfly bream, bony bream, Goldband, (Pink perch - Rani fish -freshwater game fish)

Malayalam: Navara, Kellimeen, Killimeen, Chengavaal, chennavira, henvaara,puthiyappalla kora

Tamil: Navara, Sennagarai, Navarei, karuppu Mattavan, Changarah, Kandal meen, thullu kendai, Lomia

Kannada: Mudumagalu, madmal, madumagala, ರಾಣೋ

Telugu: chalaneera kanti, sallenganti

Oriya: Nalliborai, Nallisankara

Gujarathi: Rata, Lalmachala

Other: Rani mach,Ruppan(bengali)Rain(gujarati)Rani(Marathi),rano, Rane, राणो (konkani) krisi, bammi, Andamans Is - Rani , Pooma

Arabic: sultan Ibrahim, سمك السلطان إبراهيم, hemamah, hamarah,bassi, abu sena

Tagalog: Bisugo

Katti, kolonto(in pakistan)

Hebrew: Farida (blue spotted sea bream)

Hebrew: Denis (sea bream)

Threadfin bream a perch like fish that is found in coastal Asian waters. It is called a threadfin because of the filaments that hang from its tail.

To view other Seabreams (Porgy also known as Sea Bream) - Click here

Different Type of Bream:
Different Type of Breams

Marine fishes of kerala

Finletted Mackerel
Refer Horse Mackerel:
The torpedo scad, Megalaspis cordyla (also known as the hardtail scad, finny scad, finletted mackerel scad and cordyla scad), is a species of moderately large marine fish classified in the jack and horse mackerel family

Finned bullseye
Finned Bulleye

Bigfin Bigeye, Bulleye, Deepwater Bullseye, Glasseye, Goggle Eye, Longfin Bigeye, Red Soldierfish

Malayalam: Unnimary, chuvana, chenvara, Bullsai

Tamil: Cheena Varai, Kakkasi

Kannada: Disco meenu

Telugu: Bochelu, Yera-chepalu

Bengali: Alta-punti

Gujarathi: Ratado, Dorali

Marathi: Tambi

Oriya: Alta-punti

Hindi: disco machli ,laal machli

Fish varieties of Tamil Nadu

Flying Fish
Flying Fish

Malyalam: kolal paravai, kola,baravi, Khola

Tamil: parava, Para Kola, Kola, Paravai Kola

Kannada: Parava menu

Thuri, Jirri(in pakistan)

Tagalog: Isdang Iawin

Top 10 tastiest fishes

Garfish / Belone belona/ Needle Fish

Malayalam: Kola Meen, Kolaan, Karu thonamkunhi, Mural, kolan, Kokki(freshwater)

Tamil: Kola, Oosi kola, Nedu mural, Mural, Kokkimeen, Vellai murrel, moorel

Kannada: Kokkare, konti, Kandai , Toli

Telugu: Chinna pichika, Muddera

Oriya: Gangtudi, Kankhey , Kodivi

Lakshadweep Is: Oola ,Keran, Dethumtholi

Gujarathi: Kunga, toli , Tiri

Marathi: Tol, tokali

Konkani: Tokki

Other: Kaikka,Kankely(bengali), Kande toe, havu menu, tole

Popular fishes of Kerala


Malayalam: manakkam

Tamil: nagarai, navarai, kal nakharai, kulnaven

Telugu: Rahtee goolivinda

Bengali: Boral

Kannada: Kurli, Purli

Arabic: hedie hammer,alu tamrah, hidi, Sultan ibrahim,kasarmala

Manori, kolonto(in Pakistan)

Fish names in English

Greas Carp fish / Reba Carp
Reba Carp

Malayalam: Reba, rogu

Tamil: Poorali, Coala Kendai, Aranjan Podi, Aringal

Telugu: Arju, Chittahri, Elamosa

Others:Raig, Batta(Bengali) Pohala, Podha,Purha(oriya), Panjali, Rewah, Loli

Fish common namelist

Grouper(Reef Cod)

Malayalam: Kalava, murumeen

Tamil: kalavan, panni meen, komeri, kelavan

Kannada: Guri, Gopra, Muri Meenu

Telugu: Bontha, Bontoo

Marathi: Hekavu, Gobra

Lakshadweep: Chencheera Chammam

Others: Kai balay (odisha), Kun Kuni, Katkoi (Bengali), Bile koral, gobro गोब्रो (Konkani) ಗೊಬ್ರೊ

Arabic: Hammour, هامور , Hamour , Semana, hader, kosher, khulkhull

Tagalog: Lapu Lapu, Garopa,Kaltang, Kulapo, Lubo, Sigapo

Dhambo, Gisser, Klanch, Golori(in pakistan)

Hebrew: Locus(white grouper)

Hamour are the UAE's favourite fish. Hamour is the brown spotted reef cod, also known as Suman or Hamour-e Khaldar-e Qahvei in Persian. With a choice in colours, sizes and varieties, Hamour is rich in protein and Omega – 3. White Hamour or Hamour Royal is a favourite among seafood lovers across the UAE


Grunt / Grunter bream / Silver Grunt

Above fish is a Bream, below a Grunter where the tail fin is flat while Breams have forked fin

Malayalam:Karukaruppan, Kurukuruppan


Tamil: Cheri, Ghorakan, Kadichani, Kakan, Korukkai, Seraiah, Kalianthalai, komkee,Kalianthalai, Komkee, Kurumutti, Mullankra, Pullikurimeen



Arabic:Nagroor, Nagrur, Nakroor

Tagalog: Agoot

English Malayalam Fish Names

Halfbeak Fish

Malayalam: Kolaan, Pookola

Tamil: Mural

Telugu: Mudduru kolasa

Kannada: Surali kondai,Konthi

fish names in english and hindi

Herring(5 spot)

Tamil: koimeen,nunalai

Tagalog: Tawilis



Malayalam: Kannan Mathi

Konkani : Davak, दवाक

Kannada : Dawak, ದವಾಕ್

Herring gaint

Malayalam: Vallipoomen

Tamil: Mooran Kenda,Manna, Allathi, Ullahti

मछलियों के नाम हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में

Hilsa / Ilish - Indian shad
Hilsa or Indian Shad

Malayalam: Paluva

Tamil: Ullam, Oolum, Vengannai, Sevva, Pulasa , Ullan

Telugu: Pulasa

Arabic: سمكة إيليش

Tagalog: Kabasi, suwagan

Other:पेडि, Pedi(konkani), Kodal Swadi, Paliya, Palasa, Mallas(kanada)Hilsa, Peddi(Vonog)( Konkani), killalu(telugu),ilisa(bangle), Chaksi(Marathi)Palwar, tikki palwar(in pakistan)

Fish name in Hindi and English with picture

Horse Mackerel
Horse Mackrel


Malayalam: Vankaad, Chamba, Koolipara, para, Vangada, Kanni Ayala

Tamil: Parai, Paarai, Vangada, Puli Parai, Thenga Parai, Vengadai Parai, Kilisai

Kannada: Bangada(big eye scad), Kodanate, Goukae(hard tail) ಹಡೊ ಬಾಂಗಡೊ

Telugu : Par chepa

Others: Hado bangdo(Konkani) हडो बांगडो

Arabic: busaimy, سمكة الماكيريل

10 healthiest Indian fish varieties

Indian Scad
Indian Scad

Other scad: Big eye scad, Hardtail scad, Rounded scad, Selar scad

Malayalam: Kozhiyala, Thiriyan,Vatta Kanni or Vattankanni(Big eye scad)

Tamil: Parai/Paarai. Kumara parai, Kilichai

Kannada: thidumpu

Arabic: Jinnis, Sima

Tagalog: Galunggong (Round Scad), Gigi (Hardtail scad), Matangbaka (Big eye scad)

Seem(in pakistan)

Galunscad - The Galunggong or the round scad as they are popularly known is a favorite in Filipino cuisine. Delicious when fried, they are also safe for consumption owing to very low levels of mercury in the flesh

Different Type of scad:
Different types Scad - Indian Scad

indian fish names list with pictures

Jewfish(Ghol, croaker)
Jewfish Commonly known as Frogfish and belongs to the Drums family. Croaker fish is known for its sweet flavour and tender white meat.

Malayalam: Kora, Manham, pullikora (spotted croaker), Maham

Tamil: Kathalai, Kathali, Panna, kopayen, Vari Kathalai, vanakathal, vellai kathalai, Kora

Telugu: pullipanna, gorasa, tella, katchelu, goraka

Kannada: Ghoti, Kallur

Gujarati: Dhoma

Marathi: Dhoma

Others: Bara Poa, Lambu, Bhola, Rani Bhola, Lal bhola(bengali) hoḍko (होडको )Fadki, dodyaro(konkani)Poma, Goli, Balvi, Dodi, Dantya, Bengal corvina, vella jaltelle, karoos katlellr, bola

Arabic: Nagroor, shimahi

Tagalog: Alakaak

Mushka, chan, boro, tont(in Pakistan)

Hebrew: Musar yam (Meagre)

Argyrosomus regius, also known as the meagre, croaker, jewfish, shade-fish, sowa, kir, corvina, salmon-bass or stone bass,

fish names in hindi with picture

Knifefish / Indian feather back

Bengali: Chital

Tamil: Ambattan vallai, Sotai vallai


Also refer to seer fish, in india Seerfish is popularly called kingfish.

Kingfish - Click image for a bigger view
Black Kingfish / Cobia / Black seer fish

(For a bigger, better view click on the images)

Common names include black kingfish, black salmon, ling, lemonfish, crabeater, prodigal son and black bonitoc and Butterfish

Malyalam: Motha, kuluval mothai, kadal viral, mottah (some people call it neimeen , but neimeen is SEER fish)

Tamil: kadal viral,kuluval, Kadavara, Kadal varal,Cuddul-verarl,Cuddal-verarl

Telugu: Peddah-mottah, Peddla matta

Kannada: Isvale,Melugu meenu ಇಸ್ವಾಳೆ

Marathi: Sakla, Middus, Madusa ,Muddus,sakla, Sakala

Oriya: Metta, Samudra-seola

Bengali: Scola

Other: Sakaro, Modasa (Gujarati) Isvale इसवाळे (Konkani)

Sanghta, Aangh, Sanglor(in Pakistan – sindhi and balochi), Cobia(Black King fish)

Tagalog: Dalag-dagat, Gile

Spain: Bacalao

Malayasia: Gabus laut, Jaman

Yellowtail Kingfish ( some places its called yellowtail amberjack)

Yellowtail Kingfish, has white, firm flesh and is renowned for its high level of Omega 3 and other beneficial fatty acids. The kingfish lives up to its name and is one of the finest fish in all the oceans. The Yellowtail Kingfish is more commonly referred to as “kingfish” or “kingies” and is a member of the trevally and jacks family.

The Yellowtail Kingfish can be recognized by it’s yellow coloured tail and the bronze-yellow coloured stripe that runs along the lateral line on the body. Kingfish generally have a blue or blue-green colour on their back, and a white-silver below. Often confused with other similar-looking trevelly type species including samsonfish (Seriola hippos) and purple amberjack (Seriola dumerili). Small kingfish are commonly referred as “Rats”.

Common names are yellowtail amberjack, yellowtail kingfish, great amberjack(Seriola lalandi), Hiramasa Kingfish, Buri, Amberjack, Silver king, Ricciola, Haku, Maga, yellowtail jack, Sari kuyruk , Coronado

Samsonfish is also known as Allied Kingfish; Sambo; Samson; Samson Fish; Sea King Fish and Sea Kingfish.

Hiramasa Kingfish is a high-quality sashimi grade Yellowtail Kingfish, farmed under strict standards. Hiramasa is the Japanese name for this fish – it is highly regarded in Japan

Allied kingfish / Amberjack ( Seriola dumerili )
Allied kingfish/Amberjack, Punnara meen- Click image for a bigger view

Malayalam: Punnara Meen, Punnaara

Arabic: Hamam, Halwayo ,Inch, Intias,Intyâs, Jibb, Sholah, Tsola

Philippines: Hanapos, Dorado, Marang, Tonto

Spain: Cirvia, Fatugeraw

France: Ciriola

Japan: Kanpachi

Hebrew: Antias (greater amberjack)

Malaysia: Aji-aji, Cermin, Pisang-Pisang

English: Allied kingfish, Jenny lind, Doronado (USA) Amberjack, Great amberfish, Great yellowtail, Greater amberjack, Greater amberjack (German: Grosse Bernsteinmakrele) , Greater yellowtail, jenny lind, purplish amberjack, Rock salmon,Sailor's choice,Samson fish, Yellow tail

surmai fish in english

Leatherskin (Talang Queenfish)
Leatherskin, Queenfish

Malayalam: Leather, koda, Palameen, പലമീന്

Tamil: Theera, Katta, Tol Para, Toal parah, தொல் பாநை

Kannada: Palai-meenu, Diana,ಪಾಲೆಮೇನು

Arabic:Bassar, Alsain,lihlah,Zelaa, Hamam,Bassardareb, سمك الحمام

Aal, Saram,(in pakistan)

salmon fish in hindi

Little tunny/ Letti (refer TUNA)
Little tunny , Kawa kawa

fish names a-z

Lizard fish
Lizard Fish

Malayam: Arranna meen, Veembili, Uluvachi, Arana

Tamil: Thumbili, thanni panna, Ooluvai

Telugu: Cade mottah, Bade matta

Kannada: Aranai meenu, ಕೊಂಕರೊ

Gujarathi - Bhunger, Chor bumble

Marthi - Chor Bombil

Konkani - Narle, कोंकरो, Konkaro

Oriya - Budinota , Balia girrida, Andolla

Bengali - Kauda mach

Arabic: Macarona, Abu al leban, baram

Koniari, bombala(in pakistan)

neymeen fish in english


Other types: Spring Lobster, Rock lobster, sand lobster, scampi

Malayalam: Konjan, Kadal Konchu, Para konchu

Tamil: Singi Raal, Kalral, Singi Erali, Maaku Eral, Kal eral, Singi eral, Ponvandu eral, Mani eral

Kannada: konju

Telugu: Meesala royya, Madata royya, Rati royya

Oriya: Toptepa, Bama reyya

Bengali: Patal chingri

Gujarati: Kako

Marathi: Phati

Konkani: Shivod

Lakshadweep: Ees

Others :sivod kurlo शिवोड कुरलो, ಶಿವೋಡ್ ಕುರ್ಲೊ

Kikat, kikka(Pakistan)

Arabic: Umm ar rubiyan, Kufea, shurkh al amaaq

Fish Names English to Malayalam Translation


Malayalam: Ayala, Aila, Ayila

Tamil: Ayilai , Kumla , Kannankeluthi, kanangeluthi, Kana Kayuthai, kanaam, keluthi aila,Kumla, Augalai, Ailai, Kanangeluthi

Kannada: Bangde,Banguda, Telbangade

Telugu: Kannangadatha,kanagarthalu

Gujarathi: Bangada , Malbari bhangda


Oriya: Kangurta , Karan kita, Marua

Bengali: Khap khopi , Lajjabatti sating Others: Bangda, Bangdo (konkani), Bangade,बांगडो, ಬಾಂಗ್ಡೊ

Arabic: Basha, garfa,bagha

Tagalog: Alumahan (long jaw) Hasa Hasa (short Bodied), Kabalyas

Srmai,surmaya, bangra(Pakistan)

Hebrew: Palamida

Avoli in english

Malabar Leaf fish

Malayalam: Panna karimeen,Karipidi, Chuttichi

choora fish in english

Malabar thryssa/Malabar Anchovy
Malabar Thryssa/Malabar Anchovy

Malayalam: Manangu, Manang, Thryssa purava

Tamil: poruva, poorava, Nedum poruva

Kannada: Tharave, Larrae manangu

ayala fish in english

Malabar Trevally
Malabar Trevally  - Click for a bigger view

Other type: Bluefin Trevally, Gaint Trevally, Golden trevally, Black trevally, cleftbelly trevally, False / white travelly (Jumper fish) , Largenose trevally, Threadfin trevally, Yellow strip trevally

Malayalam: Paara

Shrimp scad / Slender Yellowtail kingfish : Vatta Paara, Chemeen Para, Vattapara

Crevalle Jack : Ayila Para, Karivalam-para, Pulli parai, Thenga parai, Vennai parai, Komaraparai, Manjal Para

Tamil: Paarai, Tollam​ Parah

Oriya: Parei, para

Kannada: Kodavai, Bonke, Long fin trevally- Bonke koduvai

Others: Shitap(Marathi) Konti(oriya)

Arabic العربية: Rabeeb, Jesh Sal, Sal, Jash, glaaef سمك الجش صال

Bangra, kakkar,pattar(in Pakistan)

Trevally  - Click for a larger view

karimeen in english

Mangrove Jack( Common name for Mangrove red snapper)
Mangrove Jack  - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Kalavayan

Tamil: Seppilli, Vekkattai, Thokkal, Pullikarayan Noolani

Others: tamosi, तमोशि (konkani) ತಮೋಶಿ

seer fish in malayalam

Milkfish(White Mullet)
Milk Fish  - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Poomeen,

Tamil: Chano chanos, Palmeen, Paal Kendai, Palai meen

Telugu: palabontha, Pala chukka

Kannada: Hoovu menu, Hoomeenu

Bengali: Panch kati

Arabic: Sheem, Nemara, Eiffah

Ghonshi, Murru, Murra(in pakistan)

Tagalog: Bangus, bandeng, or bangos, Chanos chanos

vatta fish in english

Moonfish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Ambattan Para, avoli kurichi , Paa mullan, disc mullan, CD meen, Aana chavatti, Aavoli mullan, Blade meen, Razor meen, Paa kurichil, Machan kurichil, Pappada mullan,Pamullan, CD Karal, kathi para, osthapara, Kannadi mullan

Tamil: Kannadi Karel, Amattikatti, Ambattan para

Kannada: Hakkimeen

Gujarathi: Vaniani

Others: Kanti, खांटि (Konkani)Swarna Chanda, Ram Chanda (Bengali) ಖಾಂಟಿ

Arabic: Halwayou

Tagalog: Chabita, Hiwas, Sapatero, Tahas, Bilong-Bilong

trout fish in malayalam

Mrigal(Cauvery White Carp)
Mrigal  - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Venkanda, Venkenda, Vellaranjan, Mrigal, Mrigalam, Venkata

Tamil: Mrigal, Venkendai, Venkendai, Pudukendai, Mrigala, Arinjan , Dudu Kendai, Vencandi, Mrigala, Gudu Kendai

Telugu: Arju, Yerramosu, Mosu , Auju, Ballalamosa, Yerramosa

kannada: Mrigal, Mrigala, Dodda-arja

Other: Mrigal, Mrigala (Bengali) Mirka, Mariga, Mirrgah (Assamese) Morakhee, Nagari (Gujarati)Nain, Nainee, Narain, Mirki, Mrigal (Hindi) Mirga,Mirya, Mrigal (Marathi) Mirgali , Mirikali,Mirrga , Mirrgah (Oriya), Mori , Movakha (Punjabi)

kora fish

Grey Mullet and Red Mullet  - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Thiruta, maalan , Mallan, grey mullet-Thirutha, Red mullet - Kanambu, Keerimeen

Tamil: Madavai kendai, Kasmeen,Saala(small), Kavyangalu, velisa, Surada, madavakandai, Chiryakandai, Cheluva kandai, Gejameena kendai, Sen navarai(Red Mullet)

Telugu: Koniga,bonthaparigi, Bontha Chepa, Kathiparego, goolovanda

Kannada: Shevta,Male, Mala, Malu, Pare, Purli

Gujarathi - Boi, Mangan, Cheeri(Red)

Oriya - Khainga, Magi, Kohala , Meji, Khanga

Bengali: Pharsey, Bhangan, Borai(Red)

Konkani: Rane(red mullet)

Others: Bhangan/Parshey , Dhakra, Khasla(bengali)Hunra(in UP and bihar),Shevta, Shevto शेवटो(konkani) ಶೇವಟೊ Bol,Pilsa (Marathi)Andawai, Boil, Parshey, shev , tali,manakai, Bata, chiryakandai,

Arabic: Biyah, maid, biah,wagena, arabi , (Red mullet: sultan Ibrahim)

Hebrew: Buri

Hebrew: Barbunia (red mullet)

Tagalog: Banak, Agwas, Balanak, asubi

Boi, meengh,tagan,mori, chhodi, pharra, murbo, mundi(in Pakistan)

Red Mullet is also known as Barboni fish, barbunya baligi, Barbounia in Greece. Named Sultan Ibrahim after a prominent Sufi saint Ibrahim bin Adham. This tiny fish which retrieves the needle from the river for the saint was named after him.

Red Mullet and Indian Goatfish Difference
Red mullet and Indian goatfish (Parupeneus indicus) are often confused. The red mullets or surmullets are two species of goatfish, Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus, found in the Mediterranean Sea, east North Atlantic Ocean, and the Black Sea.They are both favored delicacies in the Mediterranean, and in antiquity were "one of the most famous and valued fish".[Wiki]

Red mullet has a distinctive set of 4-5 broad, dark brown bands on the body.For a clear view check the picture with the close up of 2 mullets.Red mullet have a alternating blue and yellow lines on the head and snout, pink chin barbels with yellow tips, and blue spots in lines along the body.The red mullet is expensive since it tastes good and is easy to clean & bone. Red mullets or surmullets tastes has a one of a kind flavour almost similar to rosemary and oregano
Mullet Goatfish difference  - Click for a bigger view

Murrel (Striped snakehead; banded snakehead; common snakehead, Channa Striata)
(Mudfish- a freshwater fish variety known for its medicinal properties)

Murrel  - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Korava,Manathu kannan, Vatton, Vattudi

Tamil: Viraal, viral meen, koravai, pothi meenp

Telugu: Korameenu Erramatta, mottu, mohkorava, thunda, korava, Koramenu

Other: Cheng (Bengali)kalvo काळवो (konkani) ಕಾಳ್ವೋ, daku(Marathi) haal, shawl, shol (Assam),Ikan aruan, haruan, ruan

Soali (Pakistan)

Malaysia: Tomam paya

Tagalog:Dalag, Haruan, Aluan, Torabo

basa fish in malayalam, telugu, tamil

Mussels ,Kadukka - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: kadukka, kallummakkaya, kallumakkai,kakka,kadiika, kadalkai, kalliimakai, nilakakka

Tamil: aazhi, matti, , Kallikai, Pachaiali, Kadalka , pachchai ali, chippi

Telugu: Alagulla, Yerra ali chepalu

Kannada: Kalla

Other:pacile, Ajeer, chippi, sinane शिनाने Shinanee(konkani) ಶಿನಾನೇ

Oyster - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Kakka, miriuga, Muni

Tamil: Sippy, Sippi,niuthlut chippi,muthu sippi–empty oysrer-sippi, live oyster-kavaddi

Other:kalawan, mukta jhinuk, moti simp

Arabic: Sadafi, Qhurut

sea bass in malayalam

Parrot fish
Parrot Fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Pacha pheesam, kizhi meen, keli meen, kolimeen

Tamil: Pachai elimeen

Kannada: Gili meenu

Telugu: Shnee moiya

Arabic: Hareed, Gain, durah

Tagalog: Luro, Loro, Lutin, Mulmol

king fish in malayalam

Pearl spot/green chromide
Pearl Spot - Karimeen - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: karimeen, Erimeen

Tamil: pattai, Panishettai , Seththa Kendai, Palincha, Karassar
Telugu: Cashimera, Durrenachepa

Kannada: Erimeenu , Kaleriya , Kalse , Matak

Oriya: Kundala, Cundahle

Gujarathi: Etroplus

Marathi & Konkani: Kalundar

Others: Karimeen, kaagalsi,kaleram kagalsi, ( kalundar-in konkani), Putulkas

Perch - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Keeri, Kotha, Kallakeedam(Karippidi,karooppu-climbing perch)

Tamil: Kilichan, Keeli, keechan, Prachi,Palin-Kichan (Panaiyeri kendai, Paunieyri, sennal,-climbing perch))

Other: Pal(konkan), Naveri(marathi), Gahnu(oriya) (Kawai, koi,-climbing perch)

Telugu: chamallu,kataili, Baikeeli, kilipothu, ganam (Kavaiyan-climbing perch)

Kannada: keeli

Tagalog: Ayungin, Martiniko (Climbing perch)

cod in malayalam

Pomfret - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam:Avoli, Aavoli, Akoli, Aakoli

Tamil: vawal, Vavwall, vaval,
FRESHWATER POMFRET -Yeri Vawaal / Roopchand / aeri vawaal/ Red belly

Telugu: Tella chanduva(white), sadi sanduva, Nalla chanduva, Nalla sandawah(black)

Kannada: Manji, Bili Manji(silver)Bilimanji , Kappu Manji(black)

Oriya: Bahala, Kala Chandi, Ghia chandi, Ghee, Dhala chandi

Bengali: Baul chandi

Other: Poplet, paplet, sagoti(Konkani)हलवा, Vichuda, Paplet (Gujarathi ), chandava, halva, Saranga(Marathi )poplait, chendu vallu, chanda, foli, पांपलेट, ಪಾಂಪ್ಲೆಟ್, Andaman Is - Pomplet

chanda(silver), Rup Chanda(Chinese), Roopchand

Arabic: zubaidy, halwayooh

Tagalog: Pampano, Duhay, Maliputo

Karopitho, kala-poplet, siak tighlum, kala pithoo(black)-(in pakistan)

Avoli in english

Prawns and shrimps
Prawns. Shrimps - Click for a bigger view

Other type: Tiger prawns, Flower prawn, deep sea prawn, Pink shrimp , white prawn

Malayalam: Konch, chemmeen, Konj

Tamil: Eral, Eraal, ira

Kannada: Boli etti, etti

Telugu: Royyalu

Other: jhinga,chingri,sungat,Chaha,harina,bagda, sungat सुंगट (konkani) ಸುಂಗಟ್

Kalri, madak, jaira, lassa(pakistan)

Arabic: Rubian, gambari


Apollo fish images

Rabbit fish / Spinefoot / Sigan
Rabbit Fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Kalloran, Oran, Ori, Karadumeen

Tamil: Ottah, Orameen

Telugu: Warawah, Warahwah

Kannada: Marapaiya

Marathi: Kunar, Dhagavir, Kutri

Lakshadweep: Vori

Andaman: tharoardah

Arabic: safi snafi, Sanefi, sunafi, Seeseege, Sigan, Safi Arabi, Sigan Biady, Batatah

Tagalog: Danggit, Samaral, Batataway, Turos, Alama, Barangan, Boras

Kakina,mahparri(in Pakistan)

Malayasia: Belais, Debam, Kelang

Spain: Siguro, Sigano

Spinefoots is seafood “green tea”, rich in antioxidants and essential amino acid required for the human body

Different types of Rabbitfish , Spinefoot or Safi fish (Click on the image for larger view)

Safi / Sigan fish is one of the most eaten fish among the people of the Gulf because of its delicious taste. It prefers to live in the rocks and is considered one of the clean fish as it feeds on weeds. Small safi fish are called Sahel. The Rabbitfish or Spinefoot belongs to Siganus genus and are distributed across Indo-Pacific Ocean

The fin spines are equiped with poison glands that are capable of giving painful wounds.

Safi is a suitable food for those who follow a diet, because it does not contain glycosides, nor semi-sugars, and it is rich in vitamins such as vitamin A and D. Safi fish works to balance diabetes, by preventing the rise of the hormone insulin in the blood, and it also balances blood sugar

what is apollo fish

Ray Fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: kottiva, Therandi, Tirandi, therandi

Tamil: thirukkai,

Telugu: Teki, belugiri,Tenku

Other: thorake(Kananda) Waghole(konkani), Sankar Murali, Shaplapata, Haush(Bengali) waghla,vaghole वाघोळे (konkani), ವಾಘೋಳೆ, thirukkai



Tagalog: Pagi

Halal Fish List

Red Snapper(Mangrove red snapper, river snapper, Jobfish)
Red Snapper, Sankara - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Chemballi, murumeen(black spot snapper), Pahari,

Tamil: Sankara, Parithi vela meen, Sudhati, pulariam,sep pilli, Cheppilli, Chenganni,Thokkal,kalavai, Karuvalai, kondal, Seppilli/Noolani(Malabar Red snapper)

Kannada: Murimeenu ,Chemballi ,Cheveri tamp

Telugu: Thundava, Rangu, Kaliviya

Gujarathi: Gulalion,Raja ,Tamp

Marathi: Charari tamp

Oriya:Rangua, Angarua, Soosta

Bengali: Koro bhekti

Other:Rane, Ranga,choukya, Thamoshi(Konkani),Ratado(Guj)

Arabic:Hamra(red snapper), Neisarah (blackspot) yezak(jobfish) Umm al durais, kaleb, mergan

Tagalog: Maya-maya, Dapak, Langit, Lohoran (Crimson snapper)

Hira, hiro, kunla, kanalcha(in Pakistan)

Fish name in malayalam arabic

Ribbon fish / belt fish / Hairtail
Ribbon Fish, Belt fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Vaala, Thalayan, vala , Pampaada , Vellithalayan(boal- fresh water –attu valai)

Tamil: Vaalai,Bale, Savalai,Valai, vazhi meen (boal- fresh water –wallah)

Kannada: Pambole ,Hambole,Saalai, pambol

Telugu: Savallu, Nalla chavaadalu , Savaala

Oriya: Rupapatia , Savaala , Langi

Gujarathi: baga ,Lapti

Marathi: Baga

Konkani: Balle

Bengali: Sagunapatia

Other: Chhuri mach, churi (Bengali)Kamble, Hambli, Baale(konkani)bale , बाले, ಬಾಲೆ

Talwar, tinji, chindi(Pakistan)

Arabic:salsool, humalan

Tagalog: Espada

Fish names in arabic english

Rohu (Carp Fish)
Rohu, Rohita Carp - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Rohu, Rohitham

Tamil: rohu, Kannadi Kendai

Telugu: Bocha Gnadu meenu, Silavathi

Others: Rui, Roe, rohiti , row, Rahu, Ruee, Tapra, Dumra, Tambada masa(marathi) Bhobhari(hindi), Tapra, Dumar, Dhambra(Punjabi),

Rohu in malayalam

Sailfish (Indian sailfish) / Billfish (also Swordfish and Marlin )
Indian sailfish - Click for a bigger view

All Billfish, whether sailfish vs swordfish vs marlin have the iconic "sword" coming off the front of their body

Malayalam: Ola-meen, Olameen, Vall meen, Kuthirameen, kadal kuthirameen, Villumeen for swordfish

Tamil: Thalapaththu, Kopparan, Mayilmeen, Kadu koppara, Mailu, Thala

Sail fish/ Marlin -Thalapaththu, Kopparan
Indo-Pacific sail fish (Istiophorus platypterus) - Mayilmeen/ Thalapaththu
Black marlin / Short nosed sword fish (Makaira indica)- Kopparaikulla, Kopparan
Blue marlin (Makaira mazara) -Kopparaikulla

Telugu: kommukonemu , Kaṭṭicepua(swordfish)

Gujarathi: Kunga, Tadmachi (swordfish), Ghodo

Marathi: Tadmasa

Konkani: Tonki

Oriya: Mayur pankhi

Bengali: Mayur pankhi

Lakshadweep: Kuthirameen

Arabic: Faras, Kheil al bahar

Tagalog:Matumbok, Dugso, Liplipan, Malasugi

Also known as Bill fish

📜   Marlin vs Swordfish vs Sailfish

The largest species is the black marlin ,a gamefish that resides in the Pacific and Indian Oceans and the main defining features of a marlin is its dorsal fin. The fin is smaller than the other species of billfish, and connects to the spine along a soft ridge. Their bills are often shorter and more rounded than the bill of a swordfish or a sailfish.

Swordfish are another highly sought after gamefish from the depths. They are easily identified by their dorsal fin, which protrudes up from their spine almost like a shark's. Their bill is also the longest in proportion to their body out of the other billfish.

Sailfish are generally considered the most accessible of the billfish species. They are characterized by a large dorsal "sail" that runs the entire length of their back.

porgy fish in arabic

Saithe Fish The Saithe fish is a species of marine fish in the Pollachius genus / Pollachius virens. It is also called by many other different names in different parts. It is found in the Barents Sea and Spitsbergen to the Celtic Sea, and along southern Iceland. It is found along southwest Greenland and from Hudson Strait to North Carolina, in the Western Atlantic.

Saithe Fish, Pollack, Walleye  - Click for a bigger view
Other names: Sillock, Poodler, Pollock, Kench Cure, Gloshan, Glassan
Green Cod, American Pollack, Coalfish, Billet, Coley

dara fish in english - Threadfin

Salmon (Indian salmon/ Threadfin)
Indian Salmon, Threadfin - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: kaalaa,kora,bameen, Vazhmeen, Thamuthi

Tamil: kala,kaala, Thiravalai,Pozhakada, Seenakaala

Telugu: maga, Bada thamaga, Budathamaga

Kannada: Darha, Balu, Ramus, Va meenu, Rumus, Balimeenu ರಾವುಸ್

Oriya - Sahalo, Sahal Puri, Manga

Bengali - Gurjali, Sahal

Other: Dara, Raavaas,रावुस Rawas,(Gujarat, Marathi, Konkani)ravs,lakhea, Kaala,ravns,ravese, Lakhua, Andaman Island - Tobrodah /Kurchil

Arabic: Andag

Tagalog: Mamali

Hebrew : Salomon (Atlantic salmon)

trout fish in arabic

Sardines(pilchard are more bony)
Indian Oil Sardine - Click for a bigger view

Small, oily fish are known as Sardines and the larger, older fish are Pilchards

Malayalam: mathi, chaala(oil saradine-nalla mathi), veloori(white saradine) Neichala , Nalla mathi

Tamil: mathi,salai, Peichalai , Challai, Vellai Suda(White saradine), Paichalai, Kavalai, neethu Kavalai

Telugu: Kavallu, Noonakaala(Oil sardines), Noona Kavallu

Kannada: Boothai, buthai, Boige(oil saradine)ತಾರ್ಲೆ, Pedi, Erabai-deep bodies, Berjal Swadi-white saradine

Oriya : Disco kabala, kovallu , Nina kabala

Bengali : Kokila, tuturi, Hurhuri, khoria

Other: kanda,tarlo, Tarsulo(round bellied saradine)Tarle, Tarlo, तारले(Konkani) Taradi , Haid , Kanat, Haird (Marathi)Pedvey,chareeaddee, podvo पोडवो, ಪೊಡ್ವೋ


Arabic: Ooma, alfa, aida, سردين

Tagalog: Haol, Tamban (Local sardines)

Palli, palla, goi , mitti(in pakistan)

Hebrew: Sardines

Lemon fish- lemonfish

Saw Fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: vakusravu

Tamil: Vela, Vezha, Uluvai

Telugu: yalla

Khari-mangar, lair, lairo, suddo, chaiti(Pakistan)


blue fish in arabic

Seer Fish ( Spanish mackerel ) / Kingfish

Seerfishes are also referred to as "king mackerels" in some areas. Commonly known as the Spanish mackerels or seerfish. This fish closely resembles the King Mackeral. A subset of the mackerel family (Scombridae) with three sister tribes: the tunas, mackerels, and bonitos, and the butterfly kingfish. This tribe comprises 21 species.

Commonly also know as Doggie, Giant Mackerel, Leaping Tuna, Macko, Commerson's Mackerel, Snook, Spaniard, Walu, Tazard

Seerfish is one of the most popular in this group for eating and are notorious for their histamine poisoning.

Small king mackerel are similar in appearance to Atlantic Spanish mackerel and cero mackerel all three species being similar in shape and coloration. (wiki)

Seer Fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: naymeen,naimeen,ഐക്കോറ,ayakura, Varimeen, Neymeen,നെയ്മീന്, Aiykoora

Tamil: Vanjaram, வஞ்சிரம், naimeem, Savara, Mavulasi, Cheela, Nettaiyan Cheela, Nettaiyan seela, Vanchiram , Neimeen Mavuladi

Telugu: Vanjaram,Konema,konemu, Vanjaram Chepa, వంజరాము

Kannada: Dandi, Isona, Anjal, Surmai,neimeenu Arkale, Anjal, Bawan, Ayakoorai, Konema, Kalagnani, Bari meenu

Gujarathi : Surmai , Chopri

Marathi : Surmai , Towar , Anjari

Oriya : Konemu , koni, Mingiram, Bijiram,, binjiram(indo pacific mackerel​)

Bengali : Gura , Mackerel

Other: Wisvan, surmai (Konkani)surma mach, surmai, सुरमइ , ison, Digumas and Ayakkura in Lakshadweep), seela(in some places of tamil nadu),

Arabic: kanad, Chanaad khubat, derak, سمك الكنعد

Sinhala : Thora

Malaysia: ikan tenggiri, Tenggiri batang

Philippines: tanigue, Tangingue

Others : Kalgund, kulgun,Ghore, gore(in pakistan), Macko,

The Spanish mackerel ( Scomberomorini ) tribe comprises 21 species:
Cero mackerel, broadbarred king mackerel, king mackerel, narrow-barred Spanish mackerel, Streaked seerfish, Indo-Pacific king mackerel, double-lined mackerel, Serra Spanish mackerel, wahoo, shark mackerel ,Pacific sierra, Chinese seerfish, Korean seerfish, Atlantic Spanish mackerel, Papuan seerfish, Monterrey Spanish mackerel, Australian spotted mackerel, Japanese Spanish mackerel, Kanadi kingfish, Queensland school mackerel and West African Spanish mackerel.

fish in arabic

Sharks - Blue fin shark, hammer head shark , Dog Shark - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: sraavu, choraku, Shravu, Paalsravu

Tamil: sura,Sorrah, Pal sorrah

Kannada: thatte, balliar(tulu/kannada)

Telugu: Sora, Soraputtu, Sem sorrah

Others: mori (Konkani)Boalu, zori,sorrah, मोरि, ಮೋರಿ

Arabic: jargoor, gursh,lakham, walad, قرش

Mangra, Pishi kamot, sorapi pishik(Pakistan)

arabic fish names with pictures

Silver barfish/ Dorab Wolf herring
Silver barfish

Malayalam: mulluvala, Vala

Tamil: karu vaali, Mullu Vallai, Valai

Kannada: Karli

Telugu: Vala

Gujarathi: Dai

Marathi: Katali, Karali

Oriya: Khanda balia

Bengali: Khavda, chela

Others:Korli, korli कोरलि(Konkani), Karli, Mullibala, ಕೊರ್ಲಿ


معنى في العربيّة سمك ترجمة

Silver belly/ Pony fish/silverbelly
Silver belly, Pony fish - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Thali mullen, kara, karal, mullen, nalla mullen, kurchi

Tamil: kaaral podi, kaarai,thata kavel, kavel, ,karal, kara podi

Kannada: Guruku, Kurchi, kurichi, , ಖಂಪಿ, Kanaikurchi

Bengali: Gang Chanda, Tekati, Plastic mach

Oriya: chandee / Kara

Other: Kadal bale, Kurli bale. Kodu bale(kanada) Gujarathi - Katali, surgutta, velli, khampi खंपि(Konkani), gurkku,kampa,(khampi-(Konkani)kara(telugu)

Mith, Kaanteri, Neela punto(in pakistan)

Arabic:Saal, Geraish

Tagalog: Sapsap, Barurog, Dalupani, Tambung, Usub, Tarilip

Silver biddy/mojarras
Silver biddy,majorras - Click for a bigger view

Tamil: uduvan,oodan,udagam, Velludan

Malayalam: pranjin,kodian purachi

Kannada: Paiya, Hole bainge,

Other: Shekti(konkan) śeṭki शेटकि, ಶೆಟ್ಕಿ

Arabic: badah,bedha, kass

Jerki, Mudro(in Pakistan)

Silver moony/ Silver Bat fish / finger fish / diamond fish / silver moonfish
Silver moony - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Aakoli, Vavalmeen

Tamil: Parrandan Moolen, Purrandee

Kannada: Hakki Meenu(moonfish) , Belli menu

Girpai, Mith(in pakistan - sindhi and balochi), Chandlak(marathi)

Arabic: farsoug, Farsuk

Solefish / Tongue fish
Malabar Sole, Tongue Sole - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: nang, nangu, Manangu, Vaalan manthal, Vaalan nangu

Tamil: nangu, naaku meen, virahi, Manangu

Kannada: Nangu Lyamp ,Chirate nangu, Guddel Nangu / Nangu, ಲೆಪ್ಪೊ

Other: Bashpata, Kukurjib(Bengali)

Telugu: korra menu

Gujarathi: Jib

Marathi: Gipti, Lep/ Shivra

Other: lep(Konkani) ಳಾಪ್, leppo लेप्पो, moral, repti, leppe, pooli kuchi,sola,

Arabic: lisan, Al thor lesan al-baher

Tagalog: Dapa (Indian Halibut)

Muna swasoo, Phani, bans-patta, buti, swaso(Pakistan)

Hebrew: Sol

Squid - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: kanava, Koonthal

Tamil: oosi kanawa, kanavai, kadama, Oosi kanava

Kannada: Bondas

Telugu: Kondavai , Kandavaya

Oriya: Kumiti muna , Kalirinda, Batua macha

Bengali: Samudra shasha , Bed

Gujarathi: Narsingha

Marathi: Nal , Narsingha

Konkani: Mankli , Manki

Others : maṇki माणकि (konkani) makul (माकुल), bondas (बोंडास), ಮಾಣ್ಕಿ, ಮಾಕುಲ್, ಬೊಂಡಾಸ್

Mayya, mus(in Pakistan)

Arabic:naggar, حبار كامل

Fish name in Rainbow trout in North America

( Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Snow Trout, etc)

Rainbow trout also refererred as Coast angel trout, Redband and Hardhead in USA, Kamloops trout, Lord fish, Baiser in canada, Steelhead, rainbow in Australia and UK, Forelle in Germany. Trout is a fish of perennial mountain streams of clear cool water of high oxygen content and thrives in lakes also.Trout normally inhabit cold waters ranging from zero degree to twenty degree centigrade.

Trout fish in India

Mostly its called as trouts.

Common Names of Snow trout:
Kunar Snow trout in Kashmiri : Chush
Common Snow trout in Kashmir ; Ale Gaad
Chirruh Snow trout in Kashmiri: Chhurru
Sattar Snow trout is known as Satter Gaad
Ngaka in Assamese , Bengali
Adonee , Lohone in Assam for Dinnawah snow trout
Ngachong in Manipuri
Asaila in Hindi
Gulgali in Punjabi
Ngachong, Asala, Budhe asla, Soal in Nepali

Korang, Rajahmas in Assam for Indian trout/ Trout barb ( Barilius Bola )
Tamilnadu : Nanneer Meen (lakefish). I'm not sure.

Kerala :Periyar trout( peninsular-Indian hill trout ) is known as Brahmana Kendai

Hebrew: Forel (Rainbow trout)

Trout fish is a type of freshwater fish closely related to Salmonid fishes and Char fish, is well known as excellent game fish . It is not indigenous to India but an exotic coldwater species brought by British angling enthusiasts separately into Kashmir, Himalayan regions, Sikkim, Himachal pradesh, Arunachal pradesh, Uttarakhand, Nilgiris, Kodaikanal, Ooty, and Munnar range of Kerala where cold waters in sufficient quantity and adequate quality is found.

Trout fishing is only permitted for licensed anglers with Fishereries ( Tamilnadu ) in the Nilgiri and Ooty regions.
The available technologies today allows the culture of a number of exotic and indigenous coldwater fish species in the Indian Himalayas. The most common exotic species are rainbow trout, brown trout, common carp, while the indigenous fish are mahseers

Tilapia - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Thilapia, Philopia

Tamil: kari, neyyi,jilapi,jilehi,thilaepia, Jilepi Kendai

Gujarathi: Tiapis

Konkani: Tilapo

Kannada: Sarkari meenu

Telugu: China goraka

Odia: china kau

Arabic: boulty

Tagalog: Molmol, Arroyo tilapia (Pest fish)
Hebrew : Amnun, Musht

Threadfin bream(refer fin bream)
Tamil: Rani menu,sankara

Skipjack Tuna - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: choora, chura, kethal, sutha, kudukka

Tamil: soorai, vari soorai(skip jack) mas choora

Kannada: Surameenu, Gedare(Skip jack) Peepa, kedar, gedar, Surai menu(little tuna, kawakawa) ಬುಗಡಿ

Telugu: Nethuru thura

Oriya: Disco tumbala, soora

Bengali: Attom bomb

Gujarathi: Gedara

Konkani: Bugade

Marathi: Gedar , Kuppa

Lakshadweep: Choora , Kalibila mass, kethal, sutha, kudukka

Andaman: Kata baugdi

Other: chura,choora,toona,bugudi,tokke,kawakawa (little tuna) bugadi बुगडि (Konkani)

Arabic: taban, tuban, shiriwa,zainoop, تن

Tagalog: Turingan, Tambol (Mackerel Tuna) Gulyasan (skipjack)

Pakistan: Chuki, chunki, Dawan, ulus(kawakawa)kishki(skip jack)

Hebrew: Tuna aduma (pacific bluefin tuna

Click here to know more about tuna 👉
What are the different types of Tuna : Albacore, Atlantic Bonito, Bigeye, Blackfin Tuna, Bluefin tuna, Dogtooth Tuna, Frigate Tuna, Bullet tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Kawakawa, Little Tunny, Pacific Bonito and Yellowfin Tuna

Indian Turbot - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Manthal, Aayiram Pali

Tamil: Potha, Pothal, Erumei-Nakku

Telugu: Dodda Nangu, Kolli Nangu , Noree-Nalaka

Oriya : Patapatia, Kurkur jiba

Bengali: Bhuta pata

Konkani: Lepo

Other: Kuppa machli, Haro Jeeb, Hario (Gujarati) zhipali , Bhakas (Marathi)

Hajam, dandani, kochuk(Pakistan)

Arabic: Kubzet al bahar,madas

Indian Spiny Turbot,Indian Halibut,Indian Turbot (English)


How to tell them apart Flatfishes - Halibut, Turbot, Flounder and sole

Vela - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: velavu,vella para

Tamil: vela meen

Wahoo - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: Ayakoora

Tamil : Kola Vanjaram

Ghore, gore, yahoo(in Pakistan)

White fish / False trevally / Big Jawed Jumper fish/ Milk Trevally
(For image refer Malabar Trevally)

White fish, False trevally - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: parava, Adavu, Kuthuppu, Paravas, Kadu

Tamil: neer suthumbu, sudumhu, Sudumba, Guthippu

Telugu: Sadumi, Chedumu, Sudumu, Kuthuppu, Sudumbala, Sudumbu

Kannada: Saundala, Ademeenu, Adai-minu

Bengali: Sating

Gujarathi: Katali , Dhangari, Chapla, Dangri, Katli

Konkani: Sondar

Marathi: Pervi,Saundala

Andamans: Sashed pomplet

Bukko, chilanker(in pakistan)

Tagalog: Salay-salay, Apahay, Salaybutang
Arabic: jashun 'abyad / جش أبيض /

Whiting/ Indian whiting / lady fish / sillago
Ladyfish, Sillago - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: poozhan,noongal, poovan, nangol, cudeerah, Kathiron , Pooyam, Kalimeen

Tamil: kilangan, kelangan,kilachi, kelakkan

Kannada: Kane, nogli, ನಾಗ್ಲಿ

Telugu: Surangi

Oriya: Palisurangi

Bengali: Tulkarma

Gujarathi: Sing

Marathi: Mudadi , Renvi

Others :kisu fish, mudoshi (Konkani)नागलि, nagli , Tular dandi(lady fish) kane, nogli, murdosh, kilanganan

Viat, Mushk, Bhambor, Hashoor(in pakistan)

Arabic: hassom

Tagalog: Asohos, Asuhos

Yellowfin tuna
Yellow fin Tuna - Click for a bigger view

Malayalam: valliya chura, poovan choora

Tamil: keerai

Kannada: Kedar, Sooral menu

Arabic: gaider, thamad

What is apollo fish

Apollo Fish

Is it a fish or a dish?

Its not a fish but a famous andhra dish. A spicy fish recipe from Hyderabad served as starter dish in all popular restaurant prepared with boneless fillets mostly of snapper, Murrel, salmon or any boneless fish variety. Apollo fish is a classic bar and restaurant snack

I have added this because many people have landed here searching for Apollo fish thinking its some sort of a fish they use for the dish.

Ayira / Common Spiny Loach

Marathi: Chikani, Mura

Kannada: Hunase, Murangi

Malayalam: Ailori, Kozhutha

Tamil: Aiyrai, Asarat, Palli meen, Asara meen

Telugu: Asira

Origya: Jubbi cowri

Bengali: Gutum

Hindi: Bulu

Ayira​ meen is a delicacy in Madurai . This fish is a very tiny fresh water fish found in paddy fields. A Tamil Nadu favourite, since, they live in the marshy bed of rivers, ponds and lakes, they are rich in mineral and the taste differs according to the soil type.

Ayre / Long whiskered catfish

Marathi: Singati , Singati, Shingala

Kannada: Kappu suragi,Chinkode

Malayalam: Vella koori , Kada kelithi, Ponnai keletee

Tamil: Uppang keluthi , Kattai keluthi , Nei kuluthi

Telugu: Jella, Mukul jella, Seenghala

Oriya: Kontia

Bengali: Nuna-tengra , Ayre

Bihari: Kala tenguah

Catfish pabda

Malayalam: Manaja valah

Tamil: Chotah wahla, Silai valai

Kannada: Godla, Kembari

Telugu: Dukaduma, Theenuva

Oriya: Pabtah

Bengali: Puffta

Gujarathi: Gungwari

Marathi: Moone, Goong waree

Assemeese: Pabho, Pava

Hindi: Pata, Gungli, Chechera, Jalkapoor

Punjabi: Pubta, Pallus, Pallu, Goongwah

Puntius / Pool barb

Krishna carp

Undakanni (Malayalam)

Kulla kendai, Kuran chelbi (Tamil)

Guddapakke (Kannada)

Chadu perigi, Budda pakke (Telugu)

Khavli (Marathi)

Putia-kerundi (Oriya)

Pothi, Katcha-karawa (Hindi)

Phabounga (Assamese )

Puti (Bengali)

Hebrew : Carpion (common carp/ Eurasian carp)/ European carp (Cyprinus carpio),

Shark catfish / Boal

Also referred as Freshwater shark, Gaint sheatfish, Wallago attu

Malayalam: Vaalah , Aattu vaalah, Pozha wallah , Attu vaala

Tamil: Walagh , Valathi: vaalai , Vazai

Telugu: Valaga , Walagha , Valuga

Marathi: Shivda , Pahdi , Pahree , Pari , Purran , Pattan

Konkani: Bahle , Chate , Godlay

Gujarathi: Padin

Oriya: Ballai , Boalee , Boabe

Bengali: Bayali , Koyali , Boal

Assameese: Barali , Sareng , Poil

Bihari: Boyari , Barwari

Hindi: Wallah , Valai , Paran , Mullay , Mullee

Punjabi: Mully, Boyari , Paran

Leatherjacket / Filefish

Malayalam: Moori,Udupoori, Adu

Tamil: Klathi

Arabic: Klaib al daw, Baeel

Chapalu in Telugu

Reference: (Maalayalam and tamil) (names in malayalam) (Malaysian Market) (Singapore) (Karnataka fisheries) (Philippine ) (For UAE MARKET) (Saudi Arabian Market) (Yemen) (Oman) (In sanskrit)

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