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Chicken 65

One of the most popular dishes in India.Its a punjabi dish. Serve wit plain rice, chappati or Naan


1 Kg Chicken Boneless or with Bone(as you prefer)
Red Chilli powder 1 tsp
Black pepper powder 1/2 tsp
Salt to taste
2 Egg White
2 Tbsp Corn flour
2 Tbsp Refined Wheat Flour
1 cup Butter Milk
1 tbsp Ginger paste
1 tbsp Garlic paste
1/4 tsp Orange food color
2 tbsp Vegetable oil
1 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice
Oil for deep frying

Cut Chicken breast into small bite size pieces
To this add chilli powder, pepper powder and salt to taste
keep aside for 30 -45 mins. After 30-45 mins, take a deep bowl.
Mix all the ingredients below-
the chicken pieces,corn floyr, egg whites and refined flour/maida/all purpose flour.
In a deep skillet heat oil and when oil is hot, fry the chicken pieces until they are light brown on all sides.
Also,fry the chicken pieces in medium heat so that they are well done inside, instead of turning brown right away, if the heat is high. Remove from heat and keep aside.
Heat the two teaspoons of oil in a wide skillet and when oil is hot add garlic and ginger pastes and fry until it turns brown.Now lower the heat to medium low and add butter milk, food colour and salt to taste.
Now raise the heat to medium and cook till butter milk mixture comes to boil. Now add the fried chicken pieces and stir.
Raise the heat and cook, while stirring periodically until the liquid is evaporated and meat looks dry.
Remove the skillet from heat add lemon juice . Stir well.
Serve with dal and rice or have it with roti or Naan.


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