Fish Names in Oriya/ Odia( Local fish names of fishes in Orissa / Odisha )
Did you know Mahanadi Mahseer (Tor mosal Mahanadicus) is the state fish of Odisha. Local residents of Huma and Maneswar near Sambalpur on the banks of the Mahanadi refer to the mahasheer as kado. The village, otherwise popular for its Humma temple is a renowned historical monument, is situated on the bank of the river Mahanadi, about 40 km from Sambalpur city has become a destination for environmentalist for its conservation of Mahashir : a fish typical to the Mahanadi that flows by the temple. This place is reverence of kado or mahaseer fish as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu in his Matsya avatar. In an ancient folk tale, a fisherman’s wife was turned into stone while cutting a kado. A monument on an island opposite the Huma temple has statues of the fisherman and his wife. “Mahasheer” in Odia means big (maha) head (sheer).With the help of its temple committee, therefore, the villagers have made it mandatory for fishermen to fish all other species, but not the Kado. The most important role played in conservation is that of the fisher folk in the village who do not fish Mahashir, despite its commercial importance. “Even if a Kado gets caught in the net, we release it back to the river. Catching or hurting these fish is a sin,” said a fisherman.

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Common Name | Local Names | Scientific name |
A | ||
Indian anchovy(Marine fish) | Chauli Patua, Bali Kokali. ( Its referred as Mahurali Macha sometimes,Mahurali is Mola carplet a similar freshwater fish ) |
Stolephorus indicus |
Gold Spotted anchovy | Koorvai, Olimacha | Coilia dussumieri |
Small fishes which are collected from rivers, ponds, tanks, lakes, streams, lowland areas, wetlands and paddy fields | Chuna Macha | |
B | ||
Barracuda, Sea pike | Gayala, Seela betu | Sphyraena jello |
Barramundi, Asian seabass, Sea perch | Bhekti, Dadara, vetki fish | Lates calcarifer |
Bulls eye | Alta punti | Priacanthus cruentatus |
Bombay duck | Newa, Bomalo, Naluna | Harpadon nehereus |
Buffalo fish (catla) | Bhakura macha | Labeo catla |
Orbicular batfish | Chaina Chandee | Platax orbicularis |
Indian glass barb | Banko Chela | Laubuka laubuca |
Ticto/ Firefin barb | Kuji Karandi | Pethia ticto |
Swamp barb | Pita Karandi | Puntius chola |
Pool barb | Patia Karandi | Puntius sophore |
Slender rasbora, Blackline rasbora barb | Jilo / Dandikiri | Rasbora daniconius |
Olive barb | Serena | Systomus sarana |
C | ||
Cobia, Black salmon,Black kingfish | Metta, Samudra seola | Rachycentron canadum |
Flower crab, Blue swimming crab | Rani Kankada | Portunus pelagicus |
Giant mud crab | Redha Kankada | Scylla serrata |
Cuttlefish | Kumiti muna, Kalirinda | Sepia aculeata |
Catla (Indian major carp) | Bhakura | Gibelion catla |
Gangetic mystus | Bai Kantia | Mystus cavasius |
Long whiskers catfish | Chilika Kantia | Mystus gulio |
Butter catfish | Pabta | Ompok bimaculatus |
Pabdah catfish | Pabta | Ompok pabda |
Pangas catfish | Jalanga | Pangasius pangasius |
Walking catfish | Magura | Clarias magur |
Bengal corvine/ croaker | Borogo, Pendi, Kania | Daysciaena albida |
Goatee croaker | Golora | Dendrophysa russelii |
Bearded croaker | Dadhi Borehi | Johnius amblycephalus |
Belanger’s croaker | Dhusara Sila | Johnius belangerii |
Karut croaker, Jew Fish | Borei, Patharamundi, Gullura | Johnius carutta |
Largefin croaker | Kania | Johnius macropterus |
Indian pike conger | Danti sapa | Congresox talabonoides |
D | ||
Dolphin fish | Sisun magar, Baal | Congresox talabonoides |
Driftfish | Chaya | Psenes Indicus |
Large spotted dart | Peti Parei | Trachinotus botla |
E | ||
Indian mottled eel | Bami | Anguilla bengalensis |
Pink ear emperor | Kokoroba | Lethrinus lentjan |
F | ||
Flying fish | Uddukku mach | Exocetus volitans |
Indian flathead | Tokoro | Platycephalus indicus |
Bartail flathead | Takara | Platycephalus indicus |
Bronze featherback/ knife fish | Fali | Notopterus notopterus |
Flounder fish | Patpata | Pseudorhombus micrognathus |
G | ||
Tank goby | Bali Garida | Glossogobius giuris |
Silver grunt | Kokoraba, Gorsa, Telia bekti | Pomadasys argenteus |
Javelin grunter | Kokoraba | Pomadasys kaakan |
Malabar grouper | Bhola, Kai balay | Epinephelus malabaricus |
Orange-spotted grouper | Bhola | Epinephelus coioides |
Greasy grouper | Chitra Bhola | Epinephelus tauvina |
Giant grouper | Kala Bhola | Epinephelus lanceolatus |
Indian glassy fish | Polagana, Lal Chandi, Gua Chipi | Parambassis ranga |
Bald glassy | Polagana Chandi | Ambassis gymnocephalus |
Banded gourami | Kou Phasi, Khasi Kari | Trichogaster fasciata |
Sulphur goatfish | Gopi Rangia, Guli binda | Upeneus sulphureus |
Black-barred halfbeak | Saragara, Gania, Sobara | Hemiramphus far |
Freshwater garfish | Gangtudi | Xenentodon cancila |
H | ||
Hilsa shad | Ilishi | Tenualosa ilisha |
Indian Hump head | Sankha mutia | Kurtis indicus |
Halibut | Patapatia, Kukur jiba | Psettodes erumet |
J | ||
Japanese threadfin bream | Nalliborai, Nallisankara, Nerragulubinda | Nemipterus Japonicus |
K | ||
Karnataka labeo | Kalabenise, Kali Bainshi | Labeo calbasu |
L | ||
Green spiny Lobster | Bama reyya | Panulitus homarus |
Mud Lobster | Toptepa | Thenus orientalis |
Greater Lizard fish | Budimottah, Andolla, Balia girrida | Saurida Tumbil |
M | ||
Indian Mackeral | Kanagurda, Marua | Rastrelliger Kanagurta |
Seer Fish ( Spanish mackerel ) / Kingfish | Konemu , koni, Bingiram | Scomberomorus commerson / s.guttatus |
Moon fish | Pakhichanda. Helicopter, Mongala katera | Mene maculata |
Mango fish | Topsi | Polynemus Paradiseus |
Mola carplet | Mahurali Macha , Mourola, Mowka | Amblypharyngodon mola |
Mrigal carp | Mirikali | Cirrhinus mrigala |
Milkfish, Salmon Herring | Seba Khainga | Chanos chanos |
Largescale mullet | Dangala, Khainga | Planiliza macrolepis |
Bluespot mullet | Magi Meji | Crenimugil seheli |
Whip fin mojarra / seabream | Gaudunee, Jaggiri, Dhala ghotaki | Gerres filamentosus |
O | ||
Orbfish | Chandi | Ephippus orbis |
P | ||
Common ponyfish / Silverbellies | Tanka chandi | Leiognathus equulus |
Pomfret | Ghee Chandi (white), Kala chandi (black), Dhala Chandee(chinese) | Pampus argenteus |
Gangetic leaffish, Mud perch | Bodisi, Olostora, Bhutusi | Nandus nandus |
Pila Tigiri Fish, Yellow Rita Fish | Haladia Kantia | |
Climbing perch / Anabas Vietnam Koi | Kau Machha | Anabas testudineus |
Silver tiger perch | Verenda, Udari | Datnioides polota |
Immaculate pufferfish | Samudra Bengafula Macha | Arothron immaculatus |
Pufferfish / bowlfish | Benga Macha | Tetradon hispidus |
Pearlspot | Kundala | Etroplus suratensis |
Kadal shrimp | Panu | Metapenaeus dobsoni |
Paste shrimp | Chingudi | Acetes indicus |
Giant River shrimp | Galda | Macrobrachium rosenbergil |
Indian white prawn | Kantala, Chapada, Tella reyya | Fenneropenaeus indicus |
Giant tiger prawn | Bagada Chingudi, Katla reyya | Penaeus monodon |
Green tiger prawn | Bagada Chingudi, Katla reyya, Sankhua Chingudi | Penaeus semisulcatus |
Monsoon river prawn | Golda Chingudi | Macrobrachium malcolmsonii |
Giant freshwater prawn | Golda / Gaja Chingudi | Macrobrachium rosenbergii |
Jinga prawn | Khopra, Kali reyya | Metapenaeus affinis |
Flowertail prawn | Rani Chingudi, Seunku reyya | Metpenaeus dobsoni |
Indian pompano | Dhala Oranga | Trachinotus mookalee |
Large spotted dart | Peti Parei | Trachinotus botla |
Q | ||
Talang queenfish | White Parei, Kantia, Taleparai | Scomberoides commersonnianus |
Needlescaled queenfish | Kanto, Koni | Scomberoides tol |
Double spotted queenfish | Khadisa | Scomberoides lysan |
R | ||
Scaly whipray (RAY) | Katia Sankucha | Brevitrygon imbricata |
Reba carp | Pohola | Cirrhinus reba |
Roopchand, Rupchand | Paku, Bahala | |
Boga labeo | Mundha Bata | Labeo boga |
Rohu | Rohi, Ruhu | Labeo rohita |
Ribbon fish | Rupapatia, Savala , Langi | Lepturacanthus savala |
S | ||
hardyhead silverside | Samudra Chauli | Atherinomorus lacunosus |
Dusky sleeper | Balakhera | Eleotris fusca |
Great snakehead | Saala | Channa marulius |
Spotted snakehead | Gadisha | Channa punctata |
Striped snakehead | Seula | Channa striata |
Spotted sicklefish | Ghee Chandi | Drepane punctata |
Silver moony | Rupali Chandi | Monodactylus argenteus |
Silver sillago whitings | Jhudanga, Kadama, Lerdi. Pali surangi | Sillago sihama |
Deep-bodied mojarra/ Silver biddy | Jagili | Gerres erythrourus |
Strong spined silver-biddy | Jagili | Gerres phaiya |
Goldsilk seabream | Kala Khuranti, Karva | Acanthopagrus berda |
Bengal yellowfin seabream | Kala Khuranti | Acanthopagrus longispinnis |
Goldlined seabream | Dhala Khuranti | Rhabdosargus sarba |
Torpedo scad | Kanti Marua, Thumburda | Megalaspis cordyla |
Shrimp scad, Horse mackerel, Djeddaba crevalle | Kanto | Alepes djedaba |
Yellowstripe scad | Tirana | Selaroides leptolepis |
Bigeye scad | Kanti, Samudra Parei | Selar crumenophthalmus |
Oxeye scad | Tirana | Selar boops |
Spotted scat / butterfish | Chitra chandi | Scatophagus argus |
White-spotted spinefoot/ Rabbit fish | Samadho,Ora | Siganus canaliculatus |
Streaked spinefoot/ Rabbit fish | Samadho, Ora | Siganus javus |
Vermiculated spinefoot | Samadho, Ora | Siganus vermiculatus |
Spadenose shark, Indian Dog Fish | Dhudhiya Magara, Sorrah Magara, Haladia Magara | Scoliodon laticaudus |
Shark | Khira Magara | Carcharhinus sorrah |
Scalloped hammerhead shark | Hatudi Mundia Magar, Jualia Magara | Sphyrna lewini |
Elongate surgeonfish | Moothia, Kala Chandi | Acanthurus mata |
Convict surgeonfish | Bagha Chandi | Acanthurus triostegus |
Sail fish | Pakhi koni, komu konemu | Istiophours platypterus |
Indian squid | Kumiti muna, Kalirinda | Loligo duvaucelii |
Sword fish | Mayur Pankhi | Xiphias gladius |
Sickle Fish | Chitra chandi, Dhalachotaki, Jhanjara | Drepane punctata |
Mangrove red snapper | Angarua, Olta patta, Ravi goraka | Lutjanus argentimaculatus |
Russell’s snapper | Rangua | Lutjanus indicus |
John’s snapper | Rangua, Soosta | Lutjanus johnii |
Bluestripe snapper | Soosta, Rangua | Lutjanus kasmira |
Slender rainbow sardine | Nadiakhai Kokoli, Disco Kokili | Dussumieria elopsoides |
Oil sardine | Disco Kabala | Sardinella longiceps |
Chacunda gizzard shad | Chakunda, Babana Balangi | Anadontostoma chacunda |
White sardine | Luni Chauli, Dhala Kakiti, Sukha macha | Escualosa thoracata |
Indian river shad | Gudua, Orati | Gudusia chapra |
Hilsa shad | Ilishi | Tenualosa ilisha |
T | ||
Indian tongue sole | Patapatia, Kukur jiba, Gagana | Cynoglossus macroplepidotus |
Bigeye trevally | Parei | Caranx sexfasciatus |
Brownback Trevally | Tirana | Carangoides praeustus |
Blue trevally | Parei | Carangoides ferdau |
Brass trevally | Dhala Kanti | Caranx papuensis |
Indian threadfish, Indian threadfin trevally | Para, Chakka kanti, Jhanjara | Alectis indica |
Fourfinger threadfin/ Indian salmon | Sahala,Manga | Eleutheronema tetradactylum |
Fourlined terapon | Kora Gahana | Pelates quadrilineatus |
Jarbua terapon | Gahana, kurunti, Gani | Terapon jarbua |
Frigate Tuna | Tumbada, Soora | Auxis thazard |
Oriental Bonito Tuna | Tumbada | Sarda orientalis |
Little Tuna | Tumbada soora | Euthynnus affinis |
Skipjack Tuna | Disco Tumbada | Katsuwonus Pelamis |
Long tongue sole | Dudhpatua, Aswa | Cynoglossus lingua |
Short-nosed tripodfish | Sukura | Tricanthus biaculeatus |
Starry triggerfish | Chai | Abalistes stellaris |
Tenpounder | Nahama | Elops machnata |
Tilapia / Mozambique tilapia | Tilapia, China kau, Olla Kau | Oreochromis mossambicus |
Indo-Pacific tarpon | Paniakhia | Megalops cyprinoides |
w | ||
Wallago,Freshwater shark | Balia | Wallago attu |
Wolf dorab Herring, Silver barfish | KhadaBalia | Chirocentrus Dorab |
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