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Showing posts with label Glossary A-Z. Show all posts

How to buy Fresh Fish -10 Tips to consider before selecting one

طريقة شراء السمك الطازج

Fishes come in all sizes, shapes and each variety has its distinct flavours.Fish is a versatile food that you can prepare in a wide variety of ways, be it baked, steamed, poached, grilled, deep or shallow frying. Fishes are most commonly consumed food across the world for its nutritional proteins, Omega 3 fats and iodine, Also, eating fish regularly reduces the risk of many diseases. A fresh fish however cooked definitely is a thing to relish.

So how to get the ' Just out of the Ocean' experience of tasting a fresh fish? We need to go fishing , lol. Well ALMOST fresh even though not directly from ocean to plate. Here are few thumb rules you have to follow the next time you visit a fish counter. Fish is highly perishable item and gets spoilt very fast , if not maintained at a proper temperature. Just follow these tips for a good buy.


📜  List of top 20 fishes we should avoid eating

📜  What is the healthy way to cook a fish ?

📜  Do you know the National Fish of India ?

Fish names with pictures. Confused over fish names???

Eyes are windows to the sole. Look for CLEAR bright, glossy, bulged (convex) and dark eyes. Sunken, red, glazed or cloudy white eyes with gray dullness are a real no-no.

السمك الطازج يكون له عيون واضحة، صافية، لامعة

Probably the oldest trick to buy a fresh fish is to check the gills. Bright scarlet gills/bright pink or red on a fish means it’s freshly caught. The gills should feel clean and not sticky or slimy. A dull brick or dark brown color is an old fish. Sticky gills sometimes indicate use of formalin solution.

 وخياشيمها لها لون أحمر أو وردي براق وغير لزجة

Beware 👎:
  • A red dye is often applied to the gills to make appear fresh , so beware.
  • If formalin is used the fish retain the red color of the gills. It could be a false symbol of freshness.
  • Mostly expensive fishes are chemically laced to look fresh for weekends when the demand is quite high.

In most Asian fish markets, fishes are contaminated with highly toxic Formalin and Ammonia for better shelf life, as ice is expensive and has to be replaced frequently. These fishes smell and when cooked taste of chemicals but very hard to point out.

 طرق للتعرف على السمك الطازج قبل الشراء

For formaldehyde contaminated fish look out for flies near the fishes, As the old saying goes, 'Always go to a fish shop with flies around, it tells the fish is not contaminated'. Ammonia is used to slow melting of ice and formalin is used to preserve the fish for long shelf life. Both chemicals are quite toxic for human intake.

Fresh fish has a rigid body, a hard and firm form means freshness. If the fish is soft/mushy means fish is old. Finger tips shouldn't leave an impression when poked, it should bounce back to normal when pushed with a finger. Belly of a fresh fish is shiny, firm and undamaged. If its bursting out its an old one. 

 لحوم الأسماك تكون متماسكة تولد مرة أخرى بعد الضغط عليها
Beware 👎:
  • Old Fishes are sometimes frozen to make it firm and hard, to misled people.
  • A rubbery flesh mostly suggest formalin preservation.

A fresh fish will have clean, salty smell and not smell fishy. They should have no pungent smell. Rotten fish have foul nasty smell. A smell of chemicals suggests the presence of formaldehyde solution.
  رائحة السمك الفاسد تكون نفاذة وتميل لرائحة النشادر، في حين أن السمك الطازج ليس له أي رائحة نفاذة، إنما تكون رائحته شبيهة برائحة ماء البحر
Beware 👎:
  • While selling in heaps rotten fishes are often mixed with fresh ones.

The skin should be metallic, shiny, moist and clean looking. No brown spots or patched, it shows the sign of decay. must have an appearance of a live fish. A dull looking fish with fallen scales means OLD. Fresh fish have most scales intact and adhere tightly to the skin, A fresh fish skin glistens with a rainbow sheen
جلود الأسماك يجب أن تكون لامعة ومتماسكة ولا توجد عليها طبقة لزجة عند الشراء

Many fish traders take care to preserve only the meat of the fish using ice and formalin. Have a look at the fins and tails, which will reveal the freshness of the fish. If the fins have started to shrivel, dry, brittle or decay say no to the fish. Torn fins suggests the fish was mishandled

The above picture shows how the shine, eyes, firmness, colour of the body, tail and fins have gradually changed within a span of 10-15 days.

Fishes fade in color once they are past their prime. When buying fillets look for neat, moist, trim , bright and firm fillets with white translucent appearance (for white fish). The fillets should have no cracks. There should be no browning around edges, Poor quality fish is soft, limp and tears on pressure, not holding tight to the fish muscles. Fish muscle is of two kinds, light muscle  and dark muscle. A sniff is important here, there should be no pungent smell. Prepacked fillet should contain minimum of water pooling

  عند شراء السمك المقطع مسبقا، يجب التأكد من أن اللحم متماسك، زاهي اللون، وليس به اسمرار على

Fresh crabs and lobsters should be lively and frisky. Should be heavy for their size. If the crab is sulking in a corner of the tank, its not worth putting in your basket.
 زيت أوميجا 3 يساعد في الوقاية من الأمراض السرطانية- فوائد تناول السمك

Should be firm and have mild odour, The shell should not have black spots and should be translucent for most varieties with a greenish, bluish or pinkish tint. When cooked the meat should be firm and less smelly
  يحتوي على نوع بروتين يساعد في زيادة الكوليسترول المفيد، وتقليل النوع الضار منه، وبهذا يقي من أمراض القلب وتصلب الشرايين.

Select shell fish (Clams, Mussels, Oyster)  which are tightly closed without any gaps/cracks. Once cooked if the shell fish doesn't open, better throw them away

السمك من الأطعمة التي تفسد بسرعة وقد تسبب التسمم الغذائي للإنسان

Squids have clear eyes and meat should be firm and untorn. A fresh squid has reddish brown spots but if it decays, its flesh turns yellow.

هناك  قواعد أساسية عليك اتباعها لتكوني خبيرة في اختيار السمك الطازج

Its already late, but trust your senses. Fresh fish do not taste bad or bitter in deep colored portion. There should be no foul smell while cooking. A good fish when cooked has a rich aroma, if fried or grilled the inside flesh would be bright white.
 لذا يجب أن تعرفي كيف تميزين السمك الطازج عن السمك الفاسد

  البطن من نصح وروز واضح الفتحة الشرج، وتروح جزء من الأمعاء منها

Lastly fresh fish will come at higher price unless the whole market has a similar catch


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Different Types of Tuna - Know the difference

Anatomy of Bullet Tuna - Pectoral, dorsal, pelvic and anal fins

Scientific Name : Thunnus alalunga

The Albacore has pectoral fins remarkably long for any Tuna. Most tuna sold in USA are albacore. Also commonly known as Longfin tunny, Longfin Albacore or CHICKEN OF THE SEA for its white meat. The common length of the Albacore is 100 cm

Common names around the world :

Arabic : Gubad, Jaydher, Shak, Toun abyadh, Thon, Tunna

Philippines : Tulingan, Iliwon, Kiyawon, Tun, Bulis, Karaw

France : Tonnu biancu, Germon

Denmark : Hvid tun,Langfinnet Tun

Italy : Aa-lunga, Alalonga

Spain : Albacora, Atun

Japan : Binnaga, Binchô

Malaysia :Aya, Kayu, Tonggol, Tuna albakor

China : Chang chi we, 长鳍金枪鱼, 長鰭鮪, 长鳍鲔, 長鰭金槍魚

Brazil: Atum, Bandolim, Carorocata, Albacora branca, Albacora cachorra, Albacora legítima

Vietnam : Cá ngir vây dài

Blackfin tuna
Scientific Name : Thunnus atlanticus

Blackfin tuna has a oval shaped body with black back. They have long pectoral fin. The second dorsal and anal fin are not elongated. The small finlets is distinctly dusky for a Blackfin tuna although they may have a yellow tinge. The common length of the Albacore is 72 cm. Also known as Deep-bodied tunny in the USA

Common names around the world :

Portugal : Atum-barbatana-negra

France : Bonite noire, Giromon, Ton noir

Denmark : Sortfinnet tun

Sweden : Svart tonfisk

Spain : Atún aleta negra

Japan : Mini maguro, Monte maguro, Taiseiyo maguro

Russia : Chernij tunets , тунец черноперый

China : 黑鰭金槍魚, 黑鳍金枪鱼

Brazil: Albacora-cachorro, Albacorinha, Binta, Atum-negro

Bluefin Tuna (Atlantic)
Scientific Name : Thunnus thynnus

Bluefin tuna the second dorsal fin is higher than the first and belly is silver white with colourless transverse line alternating with rows of colourless dots. The first dorsal fin is yellow or bluish, the anal fins are dusky yellow, edge with black

Common names around the world :

Portugal : Atum-yellowtail, Mochama

France : Thon rouge du nord, Thon rouge de l'Atlantique

Denmark : Almindelig Tun, Blåfinnet tunfisk, Atlantisk tun

Sweden : Makrillstörje, Röd tonfisk

Spain : Red tuna

Japan : Kuromaguro

Russia : Krasnyj tunets, Sinij tunets

China : Ca chan, Thu, 大西洋 蓝 鳍 金枪鱼, 金枪鱼, 鮪

Brazil: Albacore-blue, Albacore-maguru, Atum-blue

Arabic: Tunna, ,Toun ahmar , تونة حمراء أطلسيَّة

Germany: Atlantischer Thunfisch, Roter thun

Italy: Barilaro, Tonno rosso, Franzillottu

Greece: Tonnos, Makroftero tones

Bullet Tuna
Scientific Name : Auxis rochei

Bullet tuna is small and slender. It has a maximum length of 50cm. These tuna are blue black on the back with zig zag dark pattern on upper body and silver below. The fins are dark grey. Also known as Corseletted frigate mackerel, Kawakawa, Bullet mackerel, Blow goat and Mackerel tuna in some places

Common names around the world :

Philippines : Thuringan, Bodboran, Lubak-lubak, Pirit, Aloy, Vahuyo

France : Auxide, Bonitou, Thonine orientale

Malaysia : Governess, Aya peluru, Baculan, Kayu, Semambu, Tongkol

Portugal : Judeu

Spain : Oriental little tunny, Melva ,Melvera

Denmark: Fregatmakrel

Japan : Dainanpo, Kubarai, Magatsuwo,Manba

Norway : Help

China : 双 鳍 舵 鲣, 圆 花 鲣, 煙 仔 魚

Brazil: Atum, Beautiful, Pretty-puppy, Cavala

Arabic: Bonitou, Cavalla, Melva ,Stroum ,ﻱﺘﻴﺴﺗﺎﻣ

Germany: Fregattenmakrele, Pretty Unechter

Italy: Biso, Tombarello

Greece: Koponi-Kopanaki, Βαρελάκι

Indonesia: Aya selaseh, Bakulan

India: Urulan-choorai, Eli-choorai, Kutteli-choorai

Frigate Tuna
Scientific Name : Auxis thazard

It has a robust body, elongated and rounded. Color of black bluish turning to deep purple or almost black on the head. A pattern of 15 or more narrow oblique to horizontal dark wavy lines and has a white belly. Some common names are Leadenall, Fregat makreel, Bonito, Bullet mackerel

Common names around the world :

Philippines : Thuringan, Buroboto, Ehalason, Perit, Aloy

France : Melva, Pesciu cavallu, Bonit queue raide

Malaysia : Bonito, Aya kurik, Aya selasih, Bakulan

Denmark: Auxide

Spain : Melva

Japan : Hirasôda, Soda-gatsuo

Mexico: Barrilete negro

China : 圆舵鲣, 扁花鰹

Brazil: Judeu, Serra

Arabic: Deraiga, Tabban, Sadah

Germany: Fregattenmakrele, Unechter Bonito

Italy: Mpisu, Bisu, Culariau, Motolo, Sangusu, Tambarela

Greece: Kopani-Kopanaki,

Indonesia: Alalalum

India: Gedar, Ayila soora, Bugudi, Kutteli-churai

Longtail tuna
Scientific Name : Thunnus tonggol

The second dorsal fin is higher than thhe first dorsal fin and belly is silvery white with colourlesselongated oval spots arranged in horizontally oriented rows. The caudal fin is blackish with streaks of yellow green. The Lontail tuna is more slender and has shorter pectoral fins compared to the southern Bluefin tuna and Pacific Bluefin Tuna which are true 'Bluefins'. Some common names are northen bluefin tuna, Tonggol tun, Indian long tailed tuna, Australia tun

Common names around the world :

Australia: Bluefin tuna, Northen bluefin

Philippines : Tambakol, Bangkulis, Barilis, Panit, Biyad, Tulingan,Sobad

France : Thon mignon

Malaysia : Abu-Abu, Aya hitam, Bakulan, Kayu, Mambu botol, Semambu, Tongkol

Denmark: Tonggol-tun

Spain : Atun tongol

Japan : Koshinaga

China : 小黄鳍鲔, 青干金槍魚

Russia: Dlinnokhvostyj tunets

Arabic: Gebab, Sahwa

Portugal: Atun-tongol, Atum-do-índico

Italy: Tonno indiano

Sweden: Tonggol

Indonesia: Abu-Abu, Awu Awu

India: Karachoora,Kethal,Gethal, Khavalya-gedar

Little Tunny

Yellowfin tuna

Skipjack tuna

Bigeye tuna

Dogtooth tuna

Reference :

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Kerala Fish name in Malayalam - English - Local names and common fish names with pictures - dictionary of 100 top fishes of kerala

ഒരു മീൻ പല പേരുകൾ,പുഴ മീന്,കടൽ മീൻ

Most searched queries where about Hamour, Basa fish, Barramundi and Trouts.

📜  List of top 20 fishes we should avoid eating

📜  Cook the fish - the healthy way

📜  How to select a fresh fish ?

📜  Do you know the National Fish of India ?

What is hamour fish in malayalam ???
One of the tastiest fish for its super tasty soft meat with less bones, Hamour is know as Kalava (കലവ) in Kerala. They are also called as grouper, Reef cod. One of the most popular fish along with Sheri/ Spangled Emperor (വിളമീൻ) im UAE and other gulf regions

What is Basa fish called in Malayalam??
Popularly known in kerala as Assam Vala (അസാം വാള), Muzhu Meen, Indian vaala, Koori Valah, Malaysian Vaala or Vietnamese Vaala. In UK its know as Vietnamese river cobbler, Pangasius. In North America and Australia its also known as Swai, Bocourti. Its Known as Cream Dory or Shark catfish in UAE , Saudi and Qatar

What is Trout fish in Malayalam???
Trout is a freshwater game fish and mostly found only in coldwaters. In kerala Trout farms are found in Munnar range. Trouts are mostly referred as trouts in these regions. The periyar trout or the Indian hill trout is known as BrahmanaKendai. Rainbow trout is referred as Baiser, Lord fish in Canada, Steelhead, Rainbow in United Kingdom and Australia, Forelle in Germany

European Sea bass is popular as Branzino, Branzini or Mediterranean seabass in the USA and is different from Chilean Seabass.Barramundi also known as Asian Seabass is most popular in Australia, Thai and Bengali Cuisine. Its known as Chemali Narimeen, Kaalanji in kerala.

Which fish is Sultan Ibrahim ? what is the fish name in malayalam ???
Threadfin bream (Navara or Kilimeen) is called Sultan Ibrahim in Arabic countries. Mostly the Red Mullet/ Barboni fish and the goatfish is also referred by this name. Named Sultan Ibrahim after a prominent Sufi saint Ibrahim bin Adham. This tiny fish which retrieves the needle from the river for the saint was named after him.


Refer the table below for complete fish name list - Seafish and Freshwater fishes of Kerala

What is the English name of the fish ? What are the fishes of Kerala ? What is the state fish of kerala? Here goes the list...
What is the name of the fish in Malayalam ? What is it called? What is the malayalam name? What is the tasiest fish in kerala 
Fish names in English to Malayalam.
മലയാളത്തിലും - ഇംഗ്ലീഷിലും മീനുകളുടെ പേരുകൾ

Fish names with pictures. Confused over fish names???

Common Name Local Names മലയാളം
Anchovy Netholli, Kozhuva കൊഴുവ/ നെത്തോലി
Barracuda Sheelavu ശീലാവ്‌
Barramundi, SeaPerch, Seabass / Bekti/ Asian Seabass Kaalanji, Chemali narimeen കാളാഞ്ചി
Blacktip sea catfish Etta ഏട്ട
Butterfish (spotted scat) Nachara നച്ചര
Clams Kakka കക്ക
Crab Njandu ഞണ്ട്
Cuttlefish Kallan Kanava കല്ലൻ കണവ
Cobia, Bitter Black Lemonfish, Black King fish Motha മോത, മോദ
Dolphinfish Mahi Mahi , Pulli Motha, Cycle Chain പുള്ളിമോത, മാഹിമാഹി
Emperor Fish Vilmeen, Kurali വിളമീൻ, ചക്രവർത്തിമത്സ്യം, ഏരി
Long Face emperor bream Velameen വെളമീൻ
Finletted mackerel Vangada വങ്കട
Finned bulleye Unnimary, Chenvara, Bullsai ഉണ്ണിമേരി, ചുവന്നവരയൻ
Fourfinger Threadfin, Rawas, White Salmon Kora, Thamuthi, Vazhmeen കോര, നാരുമത്സ്യം
Greater amberjack Punnarameen, Ponnarameen, Butter fish പൊന്നാരമീൻ
Grouper Kalava, Hamour
Pullikalava/spotted Hamour/പുള്ളി കലവ
Chen-kalava/Red hamour/ചെകലവ
Vermilion Coral cod/ചെന്കലവ
ഹമൂർ(കലവ )
Halibut Aayirampalli ആയിരം പല്ലി
Horse Mackere; Vangada വങ്കട
Jew fish, Croaker Kora കോര
Japanese threadfin bream / pink perch Killimeen, Navara, Puthiyappla kora കിളിമീന്‍, പുതിയാപ്ലകോര, നവര, ചെങ്കലവ,ചെമല മീൻ, പുയ്യാപ്ല, മഞ്ഞക്കോര, ചെമ്പല്ലി കോര
Leather Jacket Udupoori ക്ലാത്തി, ഉടുപ്പൂരി
Lobster Kadal Konchu, Para konchu, Adippan, Raal ലോബ്സ്റ്റർ, വലിയ ചെമ്മീന്
Lizard Fish Arana meen, Uluvachi, Veepili അരണമിൻ, കടിമീൻ
Leatherskin Fish / Queen fish Leather, koda meen, Palameen, പലമീൻ, കോട മീൻ,
Mussel Kallumakkaya കല്ലുമേ കായ
Mackerel Ayala അയല
Mackerel Tuna, Kawa Kawa, Pacific bonito, Bluefin Tuna Choora, Neimeen choora ചൂര
Moon Fish Ambattan Para, avoli kurichi , Paa mullan, disc mullan, CD meen, Aana chavatti, Aavoli mullan, Blade meen, Razor meen, Paa kurichil, Machan kurichil, Pappada mullan,Pamullan, CD Karal, kathi para, osthapara, Kannadi mullan ആന ചവിട്ടി മീൻ, ഏറ്റ് കത്തി മുള്ളൻ. കത്തി പാര മീൻ, സി.ഡി കാരൽ, ആവോലി മുള്ളൻ
Striped bonito Vari Choora വാരി ചൂര
Skipjack Tuna, Albacore Tuna, Neimeen Choora, Varayan Choora, Neymeen choora, Kudukka in Allepy, Sutha, Kethal in calicut െയ്‌മീന്‍ ചൂര , നെയ്യ്മീൻ ചൂര, കേതള്‍, സൂത, കുടുക്ക
Tuna Frigate Elli Choora, Urulan choora എല്ലി ചൂര / അയല ചൂര
Yellow Fin Tuna Kera Choora, Poovan choora കേര ചൂര. പൂവൻ ചൂര
Malabar thryssa Manang മണങ്ങ്‌
Moonfish Ambattan Para, avoli kurichi , Paa mullan, CD karal, Machan kurichil, kathi para അമ്പട്ടൻ പാര, സി ഡി കാരൽ
Milk Fish Poomeen പൂമീൻ
Needlefish pallankoli പല്ലൻകോലി,
Oyster Muringa virachi മിരിയുഗ
Octopus Neerali, Kinavalli നീരാളി
porgy / Breams Porgy പ്രാച്ചി
Prawns /Shrimps Konj, Chemmen, Karikkadi, Kara, Poovalan കൊഞ്ച്, ചെമ്മീൻ
Pomfret Avoli, Machan ആവോലി
Ponyfish / silver belly Mullan Para, Karal കാരൽ,മുള്ളൻപാര, പരവ കാരൽ
Parrot Fish tatha Meen തത്തമീൻ
Ray Therandi തെരണ്ടി, തിരച്ചി
Rainbow Runner, Spanish Jack Kadal Poomeen, Olivia, Amoor കടൽ പൂമീൻ, ഒലവിയ, അമൂർ
Ribbon fish, Belt fish, Hairtail Pampaada, Vaala. Thalayan വാള , തളയൻ, പാമ്പാട
Squid Kanava, Koontal കണവ, കൂന്തൽ
Snubnose Pompano Peeyada, Talipaara താലിപാര
Sardine Mathi, Chaala മത്തി, ചാള
Black Seabream/ goldsilk sea bream/ Picnic sea bream karutha yeri കറുത്ത എരി
Sailfish, Billfish Olameen, Thala, Ola meen, Tala ഓലമീൻ, തള, ഓലപുടവൻ, പായമിൻ
Seer fish Neimeen, Aikoora നെയ്‌മീന്‍/ അയ്‌ക്കൂറ
White snapper, white seaperch
(sometimes referred as Emperor fish)
Velameen, korukkai വിളമീൻ
Red snapper Chempalli, Silk meen ചെമ്പല്ലി, സിൽക്ക് ചെമ്പല്ലി
Snappers Chembali / Velameen ചെമ്പല്ലി
Sharp Tooth Snapper/ Sharp tooth jobfish, white snapper, white jobfish, goldband snapper or threadfin snapper chemeen-fish, Che meen വെളമീൻ , സെമീൻ , ഛേ മീൻ,. ചേ മീൻ, mostly found in ആലപ്പുഴ
Black Spot Snapper Murumeen മുറുമീന്‍
Silver-Biddy Pranjil, Purachi, Uduvan പുരച്ചി
Silver whiting, Lady Fish, Sillago Velli Poozhan വെള്ളി പുഴാൻ
Silver Moony Aakoli ആക്കോലി
Surgeon Fish Palla പല്ല
Sword Fish kadal Kuthira കടൽ കുതിര
Shrak Shrav,Pal sravu, Churaku സ്രാവ്​, ചൊരക്ക്‌
Tongue-sole, Sole Fish Manthal, Kanank, Nangu നങ്ക്, കനങ്ക്‌ / മാന്തല്‍
Indian Scad Kozhiyala കോഴിയാള
Bigeye Scad Aiyalakanni, Kannan Ayala കണ്ണൻകൊഴിയാള
Finny scad, Torpedo scad Vangada വങ്കട
Shrimp scad Ayala para, Manja vallan Vangada അയല പരവ, മഞ്ഞവാലൻ വങ്കട
Bluefin trevally Vatta വറ്റ
Malabar trevally Velapara വേളാപാര
Yellow strip Trevally/ Manja para മഞ്ഞപാര
Giant Trevally Vatta, Bheeman Para വറ്റ, ഭീമൻ പാര
Bluefin Trevally Kalan Vatta കല്ലൻ വറ്റ, നിലച്ചിറക്കൻ പാര
Great trevally, Bigeye trevally Kanan Vatta കണ്ണൻ വറ്റ, പെരുംകണ്ണൻ പാര
White Fish / False Trevally Parava, Adavu പരവ
White sardine Velluri വെളൂരി
Wahoo Aiykoora, Oriya അയക്കൂറ, ഒറിയ മിൻ
Click here 👆👆👆 for list of 100 popular fishes with Images .

Pearl spot, Green chromide Karimeen (State fish of Kerals, One of the most tastiest fish in Kerala ) കരിമീൻ
Attentive carplet Backwater Vayambu വയന്വ്
Basa Assam Valah അസാം വാള
Boal Attu Vaal ആറ്റുവാള
Freshwater Pomfret Roop chand, Red belly, nutter റെഡ് ബില്ലി, കായൽ ആവോലി, നട്ടർ
Freshwater moray eel Malanjil, Paampumeen പാമ്പുമീൻ, മലഞ്ഞിൽ, ബ്ലാഞ്ഞിൽ
Giant Danio Paral പരല്‍
Garfish Kollan, Kolan, Chundan Murrel കോലന്‍, /ചുണ്ടൻ മുരൽ
Indian mottled eel Malannil മലഞ്ഞില്‍
Karnataka Barbe Pachila vetti പച്ചിലവെട്ടി
Mullet Kanambu/ Thirutha കണമ്പ്‌, തിരുത
Mystus Koori, Vaari കൂരി , വാരി
Olive Barb kuruva കുറുവ
Orange chromide palalatti പളളത്തി
Rohu Rohu റോഹു
Snake head Varaal, Vatton വരാൽ, വട്ടന്‍
Stinging Catfish Kaari കാരി
Tiger Panchax manattukanni മാനത്തുകണ്ണി
Tilapia Thilopia തിലാപിയ
Walking Catfish Mushi മുശി

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Fishes of Tamilnadu - Fish Names in Tamil - English

மீன் வகைகள் மற்றும் மீன் தமிழ் பெயர்கள்

What are the fishes of Tamilnadu ? Are you Confused? What is the name of the fish in Tamil ? What is the English name of the fish ? Whats the state fish of Tamilnadu? Here goes the list...Refer the table below for Fish name in Tamil. What is it called? What is the Tamil name?

📜  List of top 20 fishes we should avoid eating

📜  What is the healthy way to cook a fish ?

📜  How to select a fresh fish ?

📜  Do you know the National Fish of India ?

Click here 👆👆👆 for list of 100 popular fishes with Images .
Indian Spiny Loach Ayira meen

( It might be announced as a State fish of Tamilnadu, A delicacy in Madurai. A tamil nadu favourite , Rich in minerals and taste differs according to the soil )
அயிரை மீன்
Anchovy / White bait
Indian Anchovy Nethili
Golden anchovy / Gold spotted grenadier anchovy Thogai meen
Malabar anchovy Poruva
Dussumier’s anchovy Semporuva
Moustached anchovy Poruva/ Nedum poruva/ Kola
Commerson’s anchovy Nethali
Devis’ anchovy / Shorthand anchovy Nethili
Pick-handle barracuda / Banded barracuday Seela/ Kara ooli / Thiriyan
Great barracuda Seela/ ooli/ Thiriyan
Barramundi / Sea perch / Seabass
Giant sea perch/ Barramundi/ Sea bass / Sea Pike Koduva/ Painee meen
Waigen Sea Perch Chenganni
Crescent tiger Perch Keeli
Commerson’s glassy perchlet Selanthan
Jarbua terapon/ Crescent tiger perch Keechan/ Kovakeechan/ Keeli
Small-scaled terapon Pootankeeli/ Keechan
Indo Pacific terapon Menna
Moon-tail bulleye/ Dusky-finned bulleye Kakkasi
Glasseye/ Blood-coloured bulleye Kakkasi
Mud crab Pachai nandu/ Kazhi nandu
Blue swimming crab Olakkal nandu/ Pulli nandu
Three-spotted swimming crab Mukkannu nanadu/ Olakkal nandu
Christ shell crab Siluvai nandu
Black kingfish/ Cobia Kadavara/ Kadal viral
Dolphinfish/ Mahi Mahi Parla, Avilis, Kal Vanna
Clams/ mussel/ Oyster
Green mussel Pachai aali/ Chippi/ Kallukka, Kallumakkaya
Brown mussel Aali/ Chippi/ Kallukka
Yellow clam Matti, Sippi, Mattikal
Blood clam Vari matti/ Ratha matti
Black clam Matti
Edible oyster Vella aali / Kavaddi
Pearl oyster Muthuchippi
Catla/ Thick lips Katla/Thoppa meen/ Japan kendai/ Koora kendai/ Yamaneri kendai/Karavai
Mrigal Mrigala/ Gudu kendai
Grass carp Pullu kendai
Common carp Carp
Rohu Rogu/ Kannadi kendai
Carnatic carp Palli kendai/ Sallkendai/ Sihelle/ Saal kendai/ Shellee/Pauvri-kendai
Climbing perch Sennal/ Panaiyerikendai
Green chromide/ Pearlspot Sethakendai/ Palincha/ Karassar / Karimeen
Orange chromide/ Spotted etroplus Sellakasu/ Paradi/ Challai/ Boorakas
Tilapia Tilapia/ Jilabi meen/ Jabeli Kendai
Giant sea catfish Keluthi/ Mondai keliru/ Mandal keliru/ Venkeliru
Blacktip sea cat- fish/ Dussumier’s cat fish Mondai keliru
White catfish Blackfin sea catfish Vellai-keliru/ Keluthi
Spotted catfish/ Sea catfish/ Sea barbel Keliru/Keluthi
Soldier catfish Ponkeluthi
Giant river catfish/ Short-nosed catfish Pona-keluthi/ Nedunthalai kelutti/ Naddu-keluthi
Shark catfish Walagh/ Vazhai/ Valaiathi-valai
Stinging catfish Thaylee/ Thailimeen
Croakers / Drums/ Jewfish
Spotted croaker/ Sin croaker Varikathalai
Karut croaker Pullikathalai
Greyfin croaker Karun kathali
Kathala croaker Kathalai
Tiger- toothed croaker Kathalai/ Panna
Blackspotted croaker/ Spotted croaker Kathalai/ Vellikathalai/ Kooral
Emperor bream/Pigface bream / Threadfin bream
Spangled emperor/ Starry emperor bream Vilaimeen / Vellaimeen/ Koranguvela
Ornate emperor Vilaimeen
Japanese threadfin bream / Pink Perch Changarah/ Kandal meen/ Navara/ Rani /Shankara (not Red snapper)
Delagoa threadfin bream Changarah/ Kandal
Two spot Monacle bream Pompton
Goldlined seabream , Tarwhine, silver seabream
(Rhabdosargus sarba)
Also referred as white snapper
Vella mattawa, Vela meen, korukkai
Silver Bream is common name for the following species -
Rhabdosargus sarba (goldlined seabream),
Bidyanus bidyanus (silver perch),
Bidyanus welchi (Welch's grunter),
Blicca bjoerkna (white bream),
Acanthopagrus australis (surf bream),
Acanthopagrus berda (goldsilk seabream),
Acanthopagrus butcheri (southern black bream),
Pseudocaranx dentex (white trevally,
Nemadactylus macropterus (tarakihi)
Indian conger eel Vlangu
Indian pike conger Kotah/ Kulivi pambu/ Vlangu
Shortfin eel/ Freshwater eel Vellanagoo/ Serum pambu/ Vlangu
Indian Flatheadh Nilanthatti
Flying fish
Two-winged flying fish Paravai kola/ Para kola/ Kola
Spot-fin flying fish Paravai kola/ Para kola/ Kola
Freshwater fishes
Pabda Chotah wahla, Silai Valai
Hilsa / Indian Shad Pulasa, Ullam, Ilish, உள்ள மீன் / Ulla Meen
Basa / Pangas/ Vietnamese catfish Keluthi meen, aeri vanjaram, Aie, Coola, Pangas, Broiler meen, Banka jella(andhra)
Knifefish / Chital/ Feather back/ Razor fish Sotai Vallai, Ambattan vallai
Reba Carp Poorali, Aringal, Aranjan podi, Coala kendai
Red Pomfret/ River pomfret/ Red Belly Yeri vawaal, Aeri vaval, Roopchand,
Bata / Bata labeo Kindameen, Kolarinja Kendai கென்‍டை மீன்
Catla, Rohu, Carps, barb, Pearlspot, Tilapia, catfish, Hilsa, Snakeheads, halfbeaks are some freshwater fishes
Flat fishes
Long tongue sole Kotaralu/ Nakkumeen/ Manangu
Malabar tongue sole Nakkumeen/ Manangu
Indian spiny turbot/ Indian halibut Erumai nakku, Potha
Oval Floundert Nakku meen
Fullbeak ( Garfish ) / Halfbeak
Garfish Pachai Mural, Kola
Hound needlefish/ Forktail garfish Kozhya mural/ Pahmum kola/ Mural
Flat needle fish/ Barred long-tom Mural
Barred half-beak Usi kola/ Murali
Grouper/ Reef Cod
Giant grouper Kalavai
Thorny cheek grouper/ Six-barred reef cod Kalava
Malabar grouper/ Malabar reef cod Kalava
Banded-cheek reef cod Kollu kalava
Greasy reef cod Thala kalava
Goat fish
Indian goat fish Sen navarai/ Kal navarai
Gold band goat fish Navarai
Yellow goat fish/ Sulphur goat fish/ Sunrise goat fish Sen navarai/ Kal navarai
Yellowstriped goatfish Navarai
Grunters and Sweetlips
Silver grunt Korukkai, Seraiah
Saddle grunt Korukkai, Seraiah
Lined silver grunt Kaakka meen
Sometimes grnters are referred as White snappers locally
Silver banded sweetlips Mathanam
Green spiny lobster/ Rock lobster Thala eral/ Singi eral
Mud spiny lobster/ Rock lobster Thala eral/ Singi eral
Flathead locust lobster/ Mud lobster Matta singi eral/ Kal eral/ Madakku eral
Whip lobster/ Deepsea lobster Singi eral
Leatherjacket Klathi
Lizard fish
Greater lizard fish Thumbili
Indian lizard fish Thumbili
Moon fish Amattikatti/ Ambattan para/ Kannadi karak
Moony fish/ Silver bat fish Parrandan/ Moolen
Indian mackerel Ailai/ Augalai/ Kanangeluthi/ Kumla
Short bodied mackerel Ailai/ Kanangeluthi/ Kumla
Faughn’s mackerel Ailai / Augalai
Bigeye mackerel Mullyan
Grey mullet / Flathead mullet Madavai/ Kasmeen
Red mullet Civappu madavai
(Mullus surmuletus) found in Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea mainly.

[ (Mullus barbatus)species if goatfish is referred as Red mullet locally called Nagarai ]
Bluespot mullet Manalai/ Sarya/Madavai/ Madavakendai
Gold-spot mullet Madavai/ Avelameen
Milk fish (White Mullet) Pal meen/ Pal kendai
Mojarras / Silver biddy
Bigeye mojarra Udagam/Velludan/ Oodan/ Poonanthartha
Whipfin silver biddy/ Whipfin mojarra Udagam/Velludan/ Oodan/ Poonanthartha
White pomfret/ Silver pomfret Vellai vaval
Black pomfret Karuppu vawaal
Chinese silver pomfret chinese vaval
Freshwater pomfret Yeri vawaal, Roopchand
Prawns/ Shrimp
Giant tiger prawn Karuvandu eral
Indian white shrimp Vellai eral/ Naaran
Green tiger prawn/ Flower shrimp Vari eral
Banana shrimp Vella eral
Flower-tail shrimp/ Pink shrimp Chemmakkara eral/ Poovalan
King prawn/ Jinga prawn Kazhanthan/ Kal eral/ Chaya valucha eral
Brown shrimp/ Speckled shrimp Valucha eral
Kiddi shrimp/ Marine shrimp Karikadi/ Vandu eral
Deepsea mud shrimp Rani karikadi/ Kall eral
Jawala/ Paste shrimp Chenna kunni
Giant river prawn/ Scampi Aathu eral/ Scampi
Parrot fish and Rabbit fish
Parrot fish Killimeen, Kizhi meen, Pachai Elimeen
White spotted Rabbit fish / Spinefoot Ora meen
Streaked Spinefoot Ora meen
Queenfish / Leatherskin
Leatherskin Katta, Theera
Talang Queenfish / Gaint queenfish Tol Parai
Shovel nose ray/ Guitar fish/ White spotted nose ray Palunga/ Padangan/ Katchu-uluvai/ Paal uluvai
Bleeker’s whipray/ White tail sting ray Saman thirukkai/ Savukku thirukkai
Ribbon fish
Savalani hairtail Chavalai/ Savalai/ Valai
Largehead hairtail Chavalai/ Savalai/ Valai
Surgeon Fish and Unicorn Fish
Surgeon fish Orandai
Unicorn fish Thol kilathi
Snakeheads/ Murrels
Giant snakehead Aviri/ Puveral/ Iru viral
Spotted snakehead Korava / Viral meen
Striped snakehead Vraal/ Karuppu veral
Asiatic snakehead/ Bengal snakehead Parakoravai/ Maniam-korovai/ Pothi meen
Seer fish
Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel Vanchiram, Nettaiyan seela
Streaked Spanish mackerel Naimeen, Mavuladi, Nona seela
Indo-pacific king mackerel Naimeen, Vanjiram, Kattayancheela, Cheela
Wahoo Kola Vanjaram/ Savaran
Sardines and Shads
Indian oil sardine Peichalai/ Kavalai/ Neethu kavalai
Gold stripe sardinella Chalai/ Nonalai/ Kavalai
White sardinella Choodai/ Thatta kavalai / Velli Kasu
Fringescale sardine/ Lesser sardine Choodai/ Nedum kavalai
Deepbody sardinella Usi kavalai
Rainbow sardine Motha kendai/ Poondivirinjan/ Thondan
Hilsa shad/ Indian shad Ullam/ Sevva
Elongate ilisha/ Slender ilisha Poovali
Bloch’s gizzard shad Muddukandai/ Koimeen
Squirrel Fish
Red Squirrel fish Chemmen
Black tipped Squirrel fish Puna kanni
Snapper / Fusilier / Jobfish
Malabar red snapper Seppili/ Noolani
Mangrove red snapper Seppili/ Vekkattai/ Thokkal/ Pullikarayan/ Noolani
Bigeye snapper Seppili/ Noolani
John’s snapper Karuvalai/ Parithi velameen
Humpback red snapper Seppili
Bluelined snapper / Blubberlip snapper Cuttu-pirium/ Karuvalai
Sharptooth jobfish Lomia
Redbelly yellowtail fusilier Vaipara, Kal Kilichi
Ruby Snapper, Snapper, Jobfish, Queen Snapper, Red Snapper, Ruby-colored Snapper Fish, Deepwater Red Snapper, Deepwater Snappers, Squirrelfish Snapper are various spieces similar to snappers. Red snapper are referred as Sankara meen locally sometimes but Sankara meen is Japanese threadfin bream
Silverbellies/ Ponyfish
Common ponyfish Karai/ Karapodi /Kalikaral/ Kaaral/ Soorokoonam-kare
Orangefin ponyfish Karal/ Theevetti karal
Splendid ponyfish Karal/ Kulli-karai
Dussumier’s ponyfish Veri-karai/ Karal
Tooth pony / white fish Sudumbu karal/ Kuthippu karal
Sail fish/ Marlin/ Swordfish
Indo-Pacific sail fish Mayilmeen/ Thalapaththu
Black marlin Kopparaikulla/ Kopparan
Blue marlin Kopparaikuzha
Swordfish Kadu koppara/ kola
Trevally/ Jack and Scad
Bigeye trevally/ Dusky trevally Usi parai/ Parai / Ratha Paarai (Blood red flesh)
Malabar trevally / Malabar jack/ Malabar kingfish Thol Parai, Thenga parai
Giant trevally/ Yellowfin trevally Vaththava parai/ Manchal killu parai
Blue trevally Tenga paraai
Cleftbelly trevally Kunni-parah
Blackbanded trevally/ Black banded Kingfish Keerai parai / Mosala parai
Black Tailed trevally Karunkanni parai
Diamond Trevally/ Indian threadfin Kannadi Parai
False trevally/ White fish Kuthippu, Sudumbu, Parava
Allied Kingfish / Greater Amberjack Mamiya Parai, Ponnarameen
Rainbow runner / Hawaiian Salmon/ Spanish Jack/ Rainbow yellowtail Poongulazhi, Kadal Poomeen, Kulkul
Shrimp scad Kilisai/ Komaraparai
Yellowtail scad Parai
Indian scad/ Russell’s scad/ Naked breast trevally Paarai/ Kilichai
Torpedo scad/ Hardtail scad/ Horse mackerel Kilisai/ Parai/ Semaparai/ Komaraparai/ Pulli parai/ Thenga parai/ Vengadai parai
Small spotted Dart Thol Parai
Snubnose Pompano Thol Parai / Kutili
Gaint sunfish Moonjuru meen/ Mullu peythai
Black tip shark/ Grey shark Kundan-sorrah
Black tip reef shark/ Black shark Katta-sorrah/ Perunthalai-sorrah/ Karamudi-sorrah
Smooth hammer- head shark Komban-sorrah
Tiger shark Puli sorrah/ Valluvan sorrah
Spadenose shark Pillai sorrah
Milk shark/ Grey dog shark Pal sorah
Squid, Cuttlefish , Octopus
Indian squid Oosi-kanavai
Cuttlefish Kadaman / Muttai/ Ottu-kanavai/ Vari-kanavai
Octopus Pei kanava, Koonthal kanavai
Bullet tuna Elichoorai
Oriental bonito Seela choorai
Big-eye tuna Kila valai/ Choorai/ Soorai
Skipjack tuna Choorai
Yellowfin tuna Kila valai/ Choorai/ Kerai
Longtail tuna Kara surai/ Kila valai
Frigate tuna Elichoorai
Kawakawa Choorai
Indian threadfin Kala
Four-finger threadfin/ Indian salmon Kaala, Kala
Trigger fish
Red-tooth trigger fish Clathy/ Karuppu clathy
Starry trigger fish Clathy
Whitings / Sillago
Ladyfish/ Silver whiting Kelangan
Wolf herring
Dorab wolf-herring Mullu valai/ Valai
Whitefin wolf herring Karu valai/ Mullu valai

Fish names with pictures. Confused over fish names???

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